Is it worth getting a personal trainer? I think I need one to keep me in check :P

Has anyone had experience of having one or are you one?


  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I've had a personal trainer before and it's great if you're new to exercise or you need help with form for strength training. Not all of them are good, so shop around and make sure they know what your goals are.

    If you're just looking for someone to keep you accountable for showing up at the gym, it works but it's kind of an expensive way to do it. Maybe you could work out with a friend, or make friends with people at the gym. Or try an app like GymPact.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I work a lot harder when I'm paying big bucks. mine just moved away, and I'm worried about no spotter. but start new Monday. Good luck:)
  • moijo6
    moijo6 Posts: 121
    Thanks for replying..

    Not just to keep me accountable but to get me to the level of fitness i used to be or near as damn it :)
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I think it depends on your goals. I've learned pretty much everything I know now about strenght training online. There is so much information available now a days you just need to know which ones are reliable.

    I do wish I had a spotter but a rack works just fine. I believe that no one will push you as hard as you can push yourself. When I am in the gym going for those last reps it's all about within, mind and muscle in sync, the last thing I would want is someone yelling at me, "one more rep!!!"

    I watched countless videos to learn proper form, I have a plan everytime I go to the gym, I held myself accountable for my own goals and I push myself hard everytime. But again, that's just me.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    It depends on your goals, your knowledge and most importantly the trainer. I have a very good one who I see once a week. And it has paid off tremendously. He is constantly showing me new exercises and new ways of exercising and making sure to show me when I'm not really pushing my limits. Sometimes you can get in that uuurgh another day at the gym ho hum bash out the routine but don't really try to hard mentality. A good PT won't let you get away with that.