Evening Munching

Evening munching or grazing has always been my downfall. When I started MFP this August I actually got a pretty good handle on it. I'd "save" calories for the evening and made sure I had smart snacks like vegetables or crunchy munchies with satisfying portion sizing. All was going very well! Then I quit smoking.

I actually recommend quitting smoking while you're dieting. If you've been successfully dieting for a month or two you have a good handle on your new eating habits and are less likely to gain the dreaded quit weight. I've only gained 2 pounds since I quit November 6.

The problem is that evening munching is sabotaging my diet. I'm not really gaining, but I'm not losing either. I seem to have lost my ability to "manage" those cravings. (I'm never going to beat them, but I can manage them, lol).

So what I'm looking for is other peoples' strategies to manage those evening munchies. I need some new ideas, and I just know someone in this community will have the "A-HA!" that helps me get it under control again.



  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    I try to drink a big glass of water before giving in to an evening snack. Then I feel more full. I also try to avoid my 'triggers'....like grabbing a snack before watching TV.....b/c that usually leads me to graze during the whole duration of the show.

    I also work out in the evenings, which keeps me busy and not eating. Then if I have a small snack before bed, I don't want to "blow" all the calories I've burned from working out and I tend to make healthier choices.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I am having a cup of tea around 8pm...No more eating after that! You are suppose to not eat anything 2-3 hours before you go to bed. Hope this helps...try some almonds too.:bigsmile:
  • literaryshots
    literaryshots Posts: 66 Member
    I'm a big fan of popcorn in the evening. I like it air popped, myself. Though even if you pop in a little oil this is still a pretty forgiving high fiber snack. 3 1/2 cups-is a nice serving. I read the 94% fat free microwave is recommended by many if you like the ease and convenience.

    I also took up some hobbies that help keep my hands and my mind busy during down time in the evening. Hard to eat and hobby at the same time.
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    Drinking tea helps for me! It gives my hands "something to do" when I'm watching TV or reading, when I used to grab snack foods - even though I wasn't really hungry. Plus, I choose herbally type teas at night, which means that there's no caffeine and very little calories and I count it towards a cup of water :P
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    drink a cup of water and chew high mint gums!! and when the mint wears off chew some more! this will soil your taste buds and make any snack you eat anyway taste like rubbish! win win x
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I struggle with the same problem and I save at least 300 calories for night time snacks. Lately, I've been getting my snacks dished up ahead of time so they are already portioned out. I play games on yahoo, and eat cut up apples, strawberries, bananas, yogert, or sometimes dry cereal while I'm playing. Having it dished up ahead of time helps. I also drink 2 cups of teas... the teas seems to fill me up. Good luck
  • calthine
    calthine Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks! I'm at the computer all night too (I work online) so auto-munching is indeed an issue. Water or tea to fill up, pre-portioned snacks, and I'd never thought of using gum to spoil my snacks, lol. This is a big help.

    The two Quit Pounds have started to come off, I think I'll be back on track by the new year.