Starting over again

Hi everyone! I used to have an account on here, but due to depression and some other issues I decided to take a break for a bit. Now I'm back though and I'm really hoping this will help me with my discipline and getting an exercise routine going. I'm 23 and a full time student in the last semester of my undergrad, and even though I don't technically need to lose weight, I do need to eat healthier, get more exercise, and drink more water. I also want to make sure that I'm eating a balanced diet and not losing out on some important nutrients, because my energy levels aren't fantastic. Looking forward to meeting some of you and getting started!


  • edgar35
    edgar35 Posts: 28 Member
    lol welcome back! I'm on the same boat myself (22, finishing my last semester as an undergrad, working part time, and all that jazz). Hope you stick to your goals, graduation is right around the corner.
  • Thanks, you too! And good luck with your studies too.
  • taraskylit
    taraskylit Posts: 48 Member
    Hey, I'm in the same boat.. 21, 3rd year of undergrad neither overweight or skinny but wanting to always improve my health/physique. Good luck with everything :)
  • Good luck to you too! Staying healthy with such a hectic schedule is really difficult but we can do it.
  • Let me add you! I'm also going through the same thing :P this is my secound round too.
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    Welcome back! Good luck on your Adventures both academically and physically!
  • ValleySimTech
    ValleySimTech Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome back and good luck.
  • Congrats for restarting!
    I am kind of happy to see I am not the only one out there that is restarting.
    I have been at it sine Jan of 2013 and I have been off the wagon since mid July this year; I guess life got in the way also
    For me, weight is an issue..and I have gained 20 pounds.
    Time to restart, recommit and record.
    Good luck to all,
  • Thanks everyone! All the best for your's hard to start over but it will be worth it.
  • werdnek
    werdnek Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I'm glad to see you are taking your health seriously. Foods can affect mood and thus trigger depression. I'm not blaming food for depression.. we have created a society where no one is there for us. We have become an independent society resulting in a what's in it for me society. But people are a 'Herd" species. Thus we created communities for a sense of belonging. Patriotism for a sense of belonging. I hope you reach out to someone, even if it's on here if you have a bad day.

    One thought that may help.. I have enough trouble overcoming my own limitations without fretting over the fact that God has not seen fit to distribute evenly the gift of (you fill in the blank). You will see God is my main stay. Helps me cope. I have been left down by my support system one too many times. My support system is fine then lays on zingers. and it stings.

    Whenever you get down, be thankful for your education and be thankful that you think enough of yourself to take care of your health.

    Hope you will be an inspiration to me too. For some reason, I stopped the entries even though I would lose a pound or more in two weeks. I decided to track again and was astonished at the number of calories I ate yesterday but not sitting down for a meal. I would just go to the kitchen when I felt hungry. As usual, vegetables are neglected. All those vitamins, minerals and I go for the peanut butter and jam. I'm thinking of get the "Fix in 21" cause it looks like it has some great workouts but takes only 30 minutes. It's on my list to buy...take care you.