questions about pacer app

hi. so i have set my fitness pal activity level to "active." Then I got the pacer app that tracks your steps and calories burned from doing so.

my question is if my fitness pal activity level already takes into account my active life style calorie use am i recounting them if I use pacer? should I set my activity level to "sedentary" and just use pacer to keep track of my daily caloric usage?


  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    I work at a desk and sit most of the day so I set my activity level to sedentary. If I worked as a waiter and was on my feet all day I would set my activity level to active. If I had a fitbit, which I do, and was a waiter I would set my activity level to sedentary because fitbit adjusts your calories based on actual activity levels throughout the day when linked to myfitnesspal.