Going over calorie count - BINGE eating

Ok. so i've been logging my food into MFP for the last approximately 4 weeks
Sometimes I go way under my daily calorie of 1,850 even while doing excessive for those days too, also there have been times where i have gone slightly over my calorie intake on days when I do nothing all day but nothing major.
However, yesterday i went on a bit of a binge - i felt discouraged and disheartened that I wasn't losing belly fat so ending up eating a 1,000 calories over. The next day i felt so disgusted and mad at myself, it just reminded me of how i use to eat on a daily basis. What can i do?? Will this affect my diet? Will i gain weight? Will i still be able to lose weight?
I'm a 6ft 1" male, and i weight about 178lbs and in all fairness i don't consider myself to be 'fat' - however, the fat in my chest and stomach area is something that's affecting my confidence greatly, and so this is why im attempting to loose the fat.

Any thoughts/opinions?



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    1000 calories is hardly a "binge". Log it and move on. Perhaps you need to adjust your goals if you're feeling hungry? The less you have to lose the less aggressive it should be.
  • BaranVonCoop
    BaranVonCoop Posts: 34 Member
    It happens and it's ok. Log the calories and try to have a better day today. Remember that it takes time for the body to respond and look different. It will happen for you. I have been discouraged before but then I remember that this is a journey...it didn't happen overnight and won't be undone overnight. (I always say it's like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon.)

    Keep at it. You can do it!!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Be more consistent in hitting your goals and stop swinging the either extreme.

    Also, 1000 calories over your MFP goal probably put you right around maintenance...so not that big of a deal.