What do I do next?

Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok I have lost a bit of weight just by watching what I eat and by walking/jogging and just being on MFP. It is cold here in Indiana and I just can't keep walking outside, and walking in the mall is a real joke as I would end up mowing everyone down :laugh: ..that might be fun to watch anyway :laugh: I had walked in the snow & cold and layered...in fact I weighed the clothes I wore outside and it was a total of 8lbs!!!! I was so bundled up I just couldn't move..I wasn't cold and I did enjoy walking outside but having all those layers was a bit heavy........So what other options do I have?
I am going to go and sign up at Planet Fitness. It is the only gym that I can afford $20 a month and it is in walking distance to my house so I can walk there and get even more exercise. I visited the site last night and was overwhelmed with everything. I have never belonged to a gym before and they did explain all the equipement but I hope they don't expect me to remember what each one does and what and how to use it!!!!
I have just a few health issues....I have neck trouble so no sit ups or crunches are allowed and I also have a bad rotator cuff problem so no pushups or anything along those lines.

What do I try to do? Being my first time how long should I do things for? Should I push myself or just take it easy? I have all kinds of questions and I know MFP's will come through and let me know what, when and how to do things. I wish someone would just work up a plan for me so all I have to do is walk in and do it!!!

This is a Christmas gift to myself and my boss is also adding to it. So I want to keep doing something before I hit a wall and stop losing all together.

Thanks in advance :smile:


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I used to belong to Planet fitness in my town. If you have a question about a machine JUST ASK silly. That's what they are there for. The thing about planet is that it's the"judge free zone" so no one will think a question is silly. You could always tell them about your health issues. They do have personal trainers there..so maybe you might want to work with one of them at first so you can get the hang of things :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've found the people at my gym to be super friendly. I'd start small and build up from there. Don't overwhelm yourself with all the machines. Start with the treadmill or elliptical. When you're comfortable with that or want to add weights in, I'm sure people could help you out when you're ready. Also, on some pieces of equipment there are instructions on how to use it.

    I do Power 90 sculpt videos so I don't really do any weight training at my gym right now, but what I normally do is get on the treadmill for a bit (30-45 min depending on if its my weight training day), then the ellpitical for the same and usually end with a stationary bike. I get a better burn on the elliptical but I want to use the treadmill so I can gradually build up speed and incline so I can run one day! The bike I am slowly adding in time in, too. I started with 15 minutes so I can build up over time. Or one day use the treadmill and the next the elliptical.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    On your first trip ask one of the staff members to show you again each machine. I would start out slow, also check to see if they have any classes. When I first started toning I found a class at the YMCA that taugh light toning with weights I went to that class for about a month to learn what I should be doing then I hit the gym independently. I love free weights but you will find what you enjoy. I would definately try the elliptical out keep at a comfortable resistance and go as long as you want it is a great cardio. Just remember to stretch before and after your work out, you will be sore the first few times but keep going back it works if you work it! Take a hot bath if they have a whirpool def soak in that after followed by a nice shower you will feel great. Good luck !
  • for me, i LOVE my Turbo Jam DVD's. easy on the body and able to be modified for any physical issues that anyone has.

    why do i do DVD's??? first, i was not getting any results at the Y and doing hours of biking and cardio. and the showers there....ewwww! i did the DVD's and got results fast! (20 pounds, 18.5 inches in 3 months). i can do them at 5 am, 10 am, 2 pm, or 8 pm...on my schedule. here in the deep south, it was awesome to be able to do them in August and not roast in the heat. and now that it is cold (unseasonably cold for the entire month for us) it is nice to be able to push play and do the DVD's...no matter what the weather, schedule.

    cheering you on!
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    Not sure what time you were walking in the mall, but our mall opens it's doors before the stores open and there a quite a few people walking laps. It's mostly retired people and moms pushing strollers:) It's something to check out if it was something you were enjoying. I used to do it when my youngest was a baby. Too cold here in winter as well! I always got a chuckle out of how many people then stop at the food court and probably eat double or triple the calories they just burned.
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    for me, i LOVE my Turbo Jam DVD's. easy on the body and able to be modified for any physical issues that anyone has.

    why do i do DVD's??? first, i was not getting any results at the Y and doing hours of biking and cardio. and the showers there....ewwww! i did the DVD's and got results fast! (20 pounds, 18.5 inches in 3 months). i can do them at 5 am, 10 am, 2 pm, or 8 pm...on my schedule. here in the deep south, it was awesome to be able to do them in August and not roast in the heat. and now that it is cold (unseasonably cold for the entire month for us) it is nice to be able to push play and do the DVD's...no matter what the weather, schedule.

    cheering you on!
    Jane, I have found if I do things at home I will find excuses to do other things...Oh the dishes need to be done, as I am sitting on the floor I realize I need to vacum it and things like that. For me it is best just to leave my house and go do something...hence walking :smile:
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Not sure what time you were walking in the mall, but our mall opens it's doors before the stores open and there a quite a few people walking laps. It's mostly retired people and moms pushing strollers:) It's something to check out if it was something you were enjoying. I used to do it when my youngest was a baby. Too cold here in winter as well! I always got a chuckle out of how many people then stop at the food court and probably eat double or triple the calories they just burned.
    Our mall opens at 7am for the walkers which I use to do when I had little ones. I drive 1hr to work so I am drving by the mall as it is opening.....so the only times I can go would be after work or on the weekends and they are busy both times
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Thank you all for your advice :flowerforyou:
    I plan on using the elliptical or treadmill until I get use to being there and not so overwhelmed with it all. My friend & nephew already go to a gym so at least I will have someone with me..for protection :laugh: :laugh:
    Not sure if I should sign the 1yr contract for $20 or just go on a month to month for $10...any ideas on it?

    Thank you all

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I definately agree with a few other posters in here. Don't be afraid to ask for help. A lot of times, when you join a new gym, they give you a tutorial automatically. They wouldn't want the liability of anyone getting hurt on the machines. If they didn't mention it when you joined, ask if a session can be set up. OR, if you don't want to go that route, pick a new machine to learn each day and ask a friendly looking person who is attending the gym. I've actually gotten a lot of cool workout ideas by simply asking people what they like to do to tone a certain area. Also, try not to push yourself too hard. If you end up with a lot of pain or your overexert, you might get into a mindset that you don't WANT to go to the gym. Take it easy the first few times until you begin to feel comfortable there. No matter what, DON'T feel like people are looking at you. I know from personal exeperience that most of them are more concerned about themselves and their own workouts. Good luck and have fun!

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