High Prolactin Levels

About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with high prolactin levels. They doctors did an MRI and did not see anything but suspect a micro pitutitary adenoma. My prolactin levels were only in the "slightly elevated" range so the doctors elected to put me on birth control to regulate my monthly cycles. I recently moved and went to a new OBGYN for my annual exam. I told him about my previous issues with elevated prolactin levels. He did blood work and my levels were double what they were 6 years ago, however still not in the "extremely elevated" range. He also didn't feel the need to prescribe additional meds to lower the hormone level and thought staying on my BC was still the best option.

I recently have gotten married and my husband and I plan on trying to start a family within a year or so. I am scared to death that I won't be able to get pregnant, b/c when I have come off my BC in the past I do not have periods, at all. So,I was just wondering if there were other women that have been through trying to conceive while on medication to lower prolactin levels? When did you start treament to lower these levels? How long did it take to conceive? Did you or the baby have any side effects from these meds??

Thanks in advanced for any advice or support!!!