The cutest thing ever

peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
First off I love Johnny Cash. We named my baby Cash, just cause it's so damn cool. Here in his picture he's wearing his Johnny Cash Folsom Prison Blues onesie. We were at the mall on the weekend and I saw the cutest thing ever. A onsie that says I crawl the line - Johnny Cash. I really must go back and get it, it better still be there. Sorry I know the post is a little pointless, but it was just so cute!!!


  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    First off I love Johnny Cash. We named my baby Cash, just cause it's so damn cool. Here in his picture he's wearing his Johnny Cash Folsom Prison Blues onesie. We were at the mall on the weekend and I saw the cutest thing ever. A onsie that says I crawl the line - Johnny Cash. I really must go back and get it, it better still be there. Sorry I know the post is a little pointless, but it was just so cute!!!
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    awwwww how cute!! I would have snatched that up right away LOL
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    That is really cute!! Too cool for words! :laugh:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    We have it! It really is precious. They have a lot of cute Johnny Cash onesies and t-shirts etc. on At least they used to. I haven't checked in a while, but that's where we get a lot of our son's music onesies and t-shirts.

    And your son is so cute!!!!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    We have it! It really is precious. They have a lot of cute Johnny Cash onesies and t-shirts etc. on At least they used to. I haven't checked in a while, but that's where we get a lot of our son's music onesies and t-shirts.

    And your son is so cute!!!!
    I'm gonna be checkin that out for sure!!! And thanks!!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    OMG I love the "Man in Black!!!!" love that you named your sweetie Cash too!!!

    big hugs and GREAT TASTE! lol and Beautiful baby!!
    ali :glasses:

    off to go...walk the line....:wink:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    ahahaha, I love Johnny Cash. That's the coolest kid ever.
  • sunbug501
    sunbug501 Posts: 180
    such a cutie!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    When I was a teenager I used to have a huge crush on Johnny Cash. Shhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. :laugh:
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    Stories about children are never pointless, thanks for sharing.