Sore Shins from Running

I'm still fairly new to running (I try to get into it but just don't enjoy it) my max is maybe 2-3 minutes of non stop running on a treadmill.

I often find my right knee feels as though it's going to give out and so I slow down and walk at these times.

I noticed after my treadmill session two days ago, my right shin is sore.

It's not unbearable just tender if I run my fingers down my shin and it seems to be more skin level.

Is there anything obvious that might cause this? I had wondered if it could be my leggings rubbing as I run/walk/jog but thought I'd have the same on the left leg if that was the case too?


  • sacto68
    sacto68 Posts: 35 Member
    How old are your shoes? I had the same issue when I started running. Then I got fitted for a good pair of running shoes and haven't had a issue sense. I also find that stretching my legs beforehand really helps.
  • kegan5
    kegan5 Posts: 45 Member
    Shoes are a few months old but not necessarily made for running so perhaps that's it?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    if you're new then a certain amount of shin soreness is to be expected, same goes with calf soreness. you're working out those mucsles in ways that you dont when walking . you might try getting some compression sleeves for your shins to wear after your runs until you get used to running. and even after you can still wear to help with recovery.

    shoes could have something to do with it, but if you're using good running form, shoes arent really going to make a difference. if you arent using good form (like landing on your heel rather than on the midfoot or fall of the foot) then definitely make sure you are using a show that has adequate cushioning in the heel
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Sounds like it could be shin splints? Good info here: