Learning to squat



  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member

    no damage, just work at it and eventually you'll get there. if you really get the lifting bug then you'll find that there's always going to be some movement that you have to continually work out and other are just going to come natural. lifters are almost always working on improving form.

    for the starting weight for the goblet that's hard to tell. i tend to just pick up a dumbbell do a rep and judge from there. if by the end you realize you started too light no worries, the next time just choose more weight. this is all a work in progress

    Ok thanks. That sounds doable. :smile:

    We are starting next week, and I am really excited. I already feel more prepared when we hit the gym. I've been watching YouTube videos, trying to make sure I know what to be aware of. Thanks again to everybody who gave me encouragement and tips!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    So here's another part to the question then: am I doing any damage by doing either body weight or weighted squats and not making it deep enough? Or is it just that I'm not really doing any good? I am going to keep trying, obviously, because I believe I can get it.

    And what is a good beginner weight on the goblet squat?

    Y'all have truly been super helpful, and very encouraging. Thanks for all the replies.

    Why not try some box squats using a chair and just focus on standing back up without using your arms. At least then you won't have to worry about falling backwards and you can sit back into the squat with confidence. If you can't get to parallel with body weight, there's probably no point jumping into goblet/barbell squats, but I suspect you can do body weight squats if you focus on it and have confidence about sitting back into it. You really don't need to go beyond parallel, particularly if you've had knee problems in the past (and just my $0.02, but I think people preach ATG squatting way more than they should, especially for 30+ people who aren't competing), but you do want to go to parallel so that you're getting the full range of motion.
  • whelwhel
    Your squat may depend on the length of your femur and torso. Different people have different ways of performing a squat while maintaining proper form.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I can go atg with goblet squats, maxed out at 40lbs cause i cant handle holding more weight to chest. I go parrallel with bar but am not progressing as fast as id like. I do 10 reps with bar then 5 with 70lb, 5 with 75lb twice, then 5 with 80lb once, but have to back down to 75 for last set of 5. I prefer the wider stance also toes slightly turned out. I really feel it more in the goblets cause im able to go lower, even with just bar i cant go as low, i just dont feel as balanced.