Gained but surely scales must go down at some stage.

Ok so first week starting I lost 5kg, which I was elated as it was a huge dent ( yes fluid I know) 2nd week I lost another 1kg, now I was walking 10k ev day keeping within 1300 cals per day.
Started weight training ( body pump ) 3 times a week plus hiit training 1 day and at least 10k 1-2 days. Been adding in cycling to and from the gym on the odd day etc.
So I've put 4k bk on, now clothes are looser yes and I know they say muscle weighs heavier than fat and I shouldn't worry but surely with 35kg to loose the scales should come down??

I think I possibly like to see that lower number for motivational purposes and I have taken pics which you can see a difference, I guess my hang up is the scales ...

So will this number reduce eventually if I just keep going ??
Or what else can I do? Up cardio?
Go protein only ( I try my best to do that, and need to pre plan more so I've got it down to a T) ?
Or try all the above lol- ( I'm willing ) lol

Has anyone been through this, I'm kinda annoying myself at the fact I don't weigh lighter!

Thanks in advance

1300 cals per day


  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    Who cares what the scale says, how do your clothes fit? You said they are looser-cool! That should be your measuring factor. IMHO
  • Honestly in your case I would take some measurements and use that to chart your progress. The scale isn't always the best way to judge how healthy you are.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Might be good to increase your calorie goal, you're doing A LOT of different exercises and you need to fuel your body. Some people lose weight significantly faster when they're eating more than they initially think they 'should'. Less is not always more.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Okay the scale itself, sucks, I know as I visit mine daily. I had had no movement for 5 weeks, (it drives you nuts), then I went down another pant size. To answer your question, yes it will finally move but losing inches is way more satisfying than losing those pounds. Congratulations on your losses so far and keep up the great work!
  • ducati45
    ducati45 Posts: 54 Member
    How many weeks since you started exercising? Muscles tend to hold on to water weight initially.
    But then there should still be a downward trend after a bit.
  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the replies

    I'm a month in, I really thought weight wise it would have been decreased but I guess all the above replies are true ill measure by clothes and measurements and weight in another 8 weeks just to see. But I think your right it will have to move at some stage.

    Thanks again everyone
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Either your scale is defective, or you're eating more than you think. How are you measuring your portions? I mean, it's normal to stall or gain a little when you start exercising, but that's more than a little.
  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    Everything is weighed and scanned ( if it can be scanned ) I'm gona try the other measuring way by tape and clothes but I'll leave it for another 8 weeks. Tbh I'm def not over eating, I could up it a notch by completely cutting carbs for a week to see. But I feel I need some for energy whilst exercising ev day now. Except one rest day!
  • mishtoit
    mishtoit Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Janice,
    I have the exact same problem, I put on muscle very quickly and the scales don't move much but I know I have lost weight with pictures and cloths fitting, it happened to me a few years ago but I found if you keep going it will change slowly. Good luck, keep going you are doing so well x
  • I know it's easy to get hung up on the scales!!! I was pissed off because I went up 3 lbs after starting strong-lifts 5x5. Then I measured myself and I was very happy! Lost a total of 14 inches all over my body in under 2 weeks.

    Measuring > scale!!!

    Try to ignore the scale for 2 weeks. I'd up those calories if I were you but in the end your choice! You're doing fantastic, don't lose hope! :smile:
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Ok so first week starting I lost 5kg, which I was elated as it was a huge dent ( yes fluid I know) 2nd week I lost another 1kg, now I was walking 10k ev day keeping within 1300 cals per day.
    Started weight training ( body pump ) 3 times a week plus hiit training 1 day and at least 10k 1-2 days. Been adding in cycling to and from the gym on the odd day etc.
    So I've put 4k bk on, now clothes are looser yes and I know they say muscle weighs heavier than fat and I shouldn't worry but surely with 35kg to loose the scales should come down??

    I think I possibly like to see that lower number for motivational purposes and I have taken pics which you can see a difference, I guess my hang up is the scales ...

    So will this number reduce eventually if I just keep going ??
    Or what else can I do? Up cardio?
    Go protein only ( I try my best to do that, and need to pre plan more so I've got it down to a T) ?
    Or try all the above lol- ( I'm willing ) lol

    Has anyone been through this, I'm kinda annoying myself at the fact I don't weigh lighter!

    Thanks in advance

    1300 cals per day

    FYI - muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat. muscle takes up less room than fat, but 1 pound is 1 pound regardless of what the medium is.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok so first week starting I lost 5kg, which I was elated as it was a huge dent ( yes fluid I know) 2nd week I lost another 1kg, now I was walking 10k ev day keeping within 1300 cals per day.
    Started weight training ( body pump ) 3 times a week plus hiit training 1 day and at least 10k 1-2 days. Been adding in cycling to and from the gym on the odd day etc.
    So I've put 4k bk on, now clothes are looser yes and I know they say muscle weighs heavier than fat and I shouldn't worry but surely with 35kg to loose the scales should come down??

    I think I possibly like to see that lower number for motivational purposes and I have taken pics which you can see a difference, I guess my hang up is the scales ...

    So will this number reduce eventually if I just keep going ??
    Or what else can I do? Up cardio?
    Go protein only ( I try my best to do that, and need to pre plan more so I've got it down to a T) ?
    Or try all the above lol- ( I'm willing ) lol

    Has anyone been through this, I'm kinda annoying myself at the fact I don't weigh lighter!

    Thanks in advance

    1300 cals per day

    FYI - muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat. muscle takes up less room than fat, but 1 pound is 1 pound regardless of what the medium is.

    Who cares? Muscle still weighs more by volume. Obviously it's what people mean when they say that muscle weighs more than fat. No need to be obnoxious and play dumb.

    What she probably meant though is that if you're really eating 1300 calories, there's just no way you would put on any decent amount of muscle. You need a calorie surplus to build muscle. It's typically just water weight.