Gained but surely scales must go down at some stage.

Ok so first week starting I lost 5kg, which I was elated as it was a huge dent ( yes fluid I know) 2nd week I lost another 1kg, now I was walking 10k ev day keeping within 1300 cals per day.
Started weight training ( body pump ) 3 times a week plus hiit training 1 day and at least 10k 1-2 days. Been adding in cycling to and from the gym on the odd day etc.
So I've put 4k bk on, now clothes are looser yes and I know they say muscle weighs heavier than fat and I shouldn't worry but surely with 35kg to loose the scales should come down??

I think I possibly like to see that lower number for motivational purposes and I have taken pics which you can see a difference, I guess my hang up is the scales ...

So will this number reduce eventually if I just keep going ??
Or what else can I do? Up cardio?
Go protein only ( I try my best to do that, and need to pre plan more so I've got it down to a T) ?
Or try all the above lol- ( I'm willing ) lol

Has anyone been through this, I'm kinda annoying myself at the fact I don't weigh lighter!

Thanks in advance

1300 cals per day


  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    Ignore I've posted this same topic twice by accident

    Original post is on down the thread .. Thanks