Weight Gain After Surgery

Hi all!

I am having a hell of a time losing weight from my belly since I had an appendectomy last fall. I have ballooned from 120 pounds to 140 pounds... this happened from Oct 2013-Dec 2013. I exercise 4-5 times a week. I have been active my whole life and was always involved with sports. I played several sports competitively. My family doctor doesn't think there is an issue, so I went to the clinic doctor and he just said 'I'm getting old' (I'm 26)... here are some facts about me:

- This is not normal for me. Carrying 20 extra pounds on a small frame .. you feel it!
- My thyroid is fine. I've had 2 blood tests. Everything else fine too.
- I am 5 foot 2 inches tall
- always been athletic and 'fit'
- bigger in the hips and legs usually, never waist or stomach
- I have a balanced diet (the odd treat, like any normal person!!) we cook and prepare 95% of our meals
- I eat gluten free (husband is gluten intolerant... of course, if we go out to eat I may treat myself to pasta)
- My husband is a kinesiologist so he helps me balance my cardio, and resistance training and my schedule
- I know that muscle weighs more than fat .. I'm gaining muscle everywhere and toning except my stomach
- I had my appendix removed laparoscopically (3 smaller inscisions instead of one big one)
- We don't buy pop, it's not one of my regular drinks ( I will treat myself at a restaurant or friends place)
- I limit myself to 250ml of juice per day and same with 1% milk.. the rest is all water.. and I add lemons the odd time
- when I eat anything my stomach gets so bloated it looks like I'm pregnant
- I take iron/folic aic and b12 supplements daily

I have been doing this for 9 months and absolutely NOTHING HAS CHANGED.... frankly, I've HAD IT!!! I don't understand how a metabolism can change in an instant.

Basically, what I'm getting at here is HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS? and what did you do to fix it???

Natalie L --- Canada


  • True_Blue82
    True_Blue82 Posts: 17 Member
    I recently had laproscopic and uterine surgery (1 month ago) and I've been too weak up until last week to even reach a high shelf. But there comes a time when I have to shift from healing, to regaining what I had. As I got older, my metabolism slowed and it was harder for me to lose weight, especially when I turned 40. I'm very active - I run, compete in triathlons, hike, and chase after two young kids plus work full-time. In the past, when I put on a few pounds, I'd just add in an extra workout for a few weeks, and get back to where I was. Over the years, that got harder.

    I don't know if your weight gain is because of your surgery, or if it's because of your age, or whatever reason. Does it matter? The reality is if you want to lose weight - especially significant weight - you need to change your plan.

    Fed up, I joined Weight Watchers online and learned their point system. I found that my portion sizes were way off. My carbs were crazy, I was light on protein and fiber, and I didn't drink nearly enough water. In the beginning, I was very hungry on the plan, but then I found low point foods that filled me up - especially homemade broth-based vegetable and bean soups which became my staple. I found alternatives to my usual cravings, and I stuck with it. I'm 5'8" and I went from a size 10-12, 159 pounds to size 0-2, 128 pounds in 4 months. Once I dropped the weight, I was able to increase my activity because I had more energy.

    There are people here that track using a variety of systems. WW was easy and I liked the app - I think it's a little better than the MFP app because you also track toward goals - i.e. eating 5 servings of fruits & veggies a day, etc. It costs some, but the three month membership was perfect for me. I stayed on WW for 2 years and kept the weight off before transitioning to MFP. Apparently there's some way to track points here, but I haven't had time to figure it out.

    My issue now is that I gained a little weight post surgery but I lost my core, and my clothes don't fit well at all. I'm trying to gently turn that around.

    I hope this helps - for me, it worked. For others, I don't know. But it's worth a try.

    Take care.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Hi all!

    I am having a hell of a time losing weight from my belly since I had an appendectomy last fall. I have ballooned from 120 pounds to 140 pounds... this happened from Oct 2013-Dec 2013. I exercise 4-5 times a week. I have been active my whole life and was always involved with sports. I played several sports competitively. My family doctor doesn't think there is an issue, so I went to the clinic doctor and he just said 'I'm getting old' (I'm 26)... here are some facts about me:

    - This is not normal for me. Carrying 20 extra pounds on a small frame .. you feel it!
    - My thyroid is fine. I've had 2 blood tests. Everything else fine too.
    - I am 5 foot 2 inches tall
    - always been athletic and 'fit'
    - bigger in the hips and legs usually, never waist or stomach
    - I have a balanced diet (the odd treat, like any normal person!!) we cook and prepare 95% of our meals
    - I eat gluten free (husband is gluten intolerant... of course, if we go out to eat I may treat myself to pasta)
    - My husband is a kinesiologist so he helps me balance my cardio, and resistance training and my schedule
    - I know that muscle weighs more than fat .. I'm gaining muscle everywhere and toning except my stomach
    - I had my appendix removed laparoscopically (3 smaller inscisions instead of one big one)
    - We don't buy pop, it's not one of my regular drinks ( I will treat myself at a restaurant or friends place)
    - I limit myself to 250ml of juice per day and same with 1% milk.. the rest is all water.. and I add lemons the odd time
    - when I eat anything my stomach gets so bloated it looks like I'm pregnant
    - I take iron/folic aic and b12 supplements daily

    I have been doing this for 9 months and absolutely NOTHING HAS CHANGED.... frankly, I've HAD IT!!! I don't understand how a metabolism can change in an instant.

    Basically, what I'm getting at here is HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS? and what did you do to fix it???

    Natalie L --- Canada

    So much information here....but can someone point out the section that says how many calories are being consumed daily? I can't seem to find it
  • NatLiving
    NatLiving Posts: 10 Member
    I use MyFitnessPal and I am usually under, the odd day over. 5/7 days a week I am under. MFP suggests 1240 calories per day. There's lots of information to allow you guys to understand why I am frustrated. I wanted you guys to see how hard I have tried. Also, if I didn't share that information, I would have got a lot of posts about things I've already tried.

  • NatLiving
    NatLiving Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you, I'll be doing some research into WW.
  • NatLiving
    NatLiving Posts: 10 Member
    Just an update. Not much has changed in the past few years, I have had some success with weight loss gladly, but I had to go Keto in order to do it.

    It turns out this whole time I have had diastasis recti (abdominal muscles separate) from my laproscopic appendix removal, so basically my stomach looks fat all the time regardless of what I do. Actually, doing more ab workouts made it look worse because I was doing more damage at each workout.

    I learned this after my pregnancy. I am now 8 months post partum. I will need special workouts to repair it and I always have to be mindful of my mid section from now on in regards to tightening them during exercise. It will be a journey, but I will apparently make it there.
  • NatLiving
    NatLiving Posts: 10 Member
    So basically I wasn't crazy and I knew something was wrong. I just had to get someone to freaking listen to me!! Finally someone did. It wasn't just a simple case of me eating too much DavPul. I am so tired of hearing that, you have no flipping idea.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I groaned when I opened the thread and saw the date.
    Scrolled to the bottom and saw it was your update.
    Congrats on the baby, and thank you for the update.
    I'm glad your problem can be treated, sorry that it has taken so long to get a diagnosis.

    Cheers, h.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited February 2018
    How does diastasis recti cause 20 lb weight gain and prevent weight loss?
    This condition often happens after pregnancy, not a laparoscopic appendectomy.
  • artbyrachelh
    artbyrachelh Posts: 338 Member
    That's crazy that your doctor said "you're getting old". Sheesh. Good luck with your physical therapy. When I read your post I thought for sure it was surgery related. I didn't think diastasis, but rather, digestive, based on your comment on being bloated. But I'm glad you got an answer. I did physical therapy for diastasis with success after my last baby. I'm 13 months post partum. @lorrpb I'm pretty sure there are other causes to diastasis than pregnancy. At least, that's what my physical therapist indicated to me.
  • ongwie
    ongwie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Nathalie

    I hope you might be able to give me some advice.

    I realize that my son, who's now 12, has continually gained weight because of his appendectomy when he was 7.

    It is a gradual weight gain, with a little more every year. At first, it was nice, because he was a little skinny when he
    was little and he filled out nicely in the first 2 years after the surgery. But now, I am getting so worried because he is about 1.6m and already 65kg (140) lbs. It is affecting his confidence.

    He doesn't eat that much and he is an active boy. He even goes for runs and swims regularly in a bid to lose some weight.

    I also found a whole bunch of other people with the same experience at this forum:

    Have you come across it? Seems to be a common problem that nobody knows the answer to !

    Even the doctor on it gave such a lousy response.

    One of the forum contributors offered that a lot of pro-biotics, fermented foods, and apple cider vinegar was the way to go, since apparently the appendix' function was to house good bacteria.

    We're now trying this but it doesn't seem to be working.

    You seem like someone who was also very frustrated with the same problem.
    I also read that you found that it was due to the tear in your abdominal muscles and that you're working on it to repair it.

    It's been more than a year since your last post. Is it working?

    Or have you found any other methods that work?

    Please reply as I'd really want to help my son Jesse.

    I hope you or someone reading this has some answers.