Routine for knee injury - very frustrated!

estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, wondering whether anybody could help me out.

I, apparently, have something like runners knee, having been to the doctor and now seeing a physio. Although he not really helping me! Its been about 4 ish months now and still cannot even do squats, lunges, definately not running or anything like that. My legs are the worse part of me and it is the only part that I cannot train. Even using the stationary bike for 10 mins or more my knee starts to swell so I have to give up.

Its sooooo frustrating that I am so limited to what I can do.

Has anybody got any ideas? Its really doing my head in that I cant do much!! I am thinking about gettin an xray to see if it is anything else. I did have hip pain at one point, and after looking at my stance, the physio then says that it is because my arche in my foot was going too flat so I have had to start using orthopedic insoles in my shoes.

Even still walking down the stairs I can feel my knee (underneath the knee cap) hurt.

Sorry this is long, just frustrated!



  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hi, wondering whether anybody could help me out.

    I, apparently, have something like runners knee, having been to the doctor and now seeing a physio. Although he not really helping me! Its been about 4 ish months now and still cannot even do squats, lunges, definately not running or anything like that. My legs are the worse part of me and it is the only part that I cannot train. Even using the stationary bike for 10 mins or more my knee starts to swell so I have to give up.

    Its sooooo frustrating that I am so limited to what I can do.

    Has anybody got any ideas? Its really doing my head in that I cant do much!! I am thinking about gettin an xray to see if it is anything else. I did have hip pain at one point, and after looking at my stance, the physio then says that it is because my arche in my foot was going too flat so I have had to start using orthopedic insoles in my shoes.

    Even still walking down the stairs I can feel my knee (underneath the knee cap) hurt.

    Sorry this is long, just frustrated!


    I take an aqua class because I have a torn meniscus and my knee is bone on bone. I don't have any pain during or after the class.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I'm not a doctor but I have had knee problems. A second opinion is always a good idea if the problem has continued for quite some time. Also, what about trying swimming, or water aerobics if your pt gives you the okay.
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    My physio also mentioned swimming, but to be honest I have never really liked that because I am not a strong swimmer, which is why I havent tried it. I wish that I did.

    Thanks for replying.

  • I second the "seeking second opinion" and aquatics exercises suggestions.

    You mentioned that you are not a strong swimmer. You don't have to be in aqua classes as long as you stay within the comfortable depth, 4 feet or less.

    Having said that, I also get tweaked knees during runs. I've supplemented with alternating swim with run days. I swam last night so I will run tonight. It really helps with the joints and just a good way to force cross-training as part of your workout routine.

    I'm curious. Have you had your run analyzed? I used to experience weird pains on my left knee. I had my run analyzed by a run store (Road Runner Sports, Concord, CA). They videotaped my run from behind and made suggestions on shoe size, type, width, insoles, socks, etc. Did wonders. Now, no more pain. I still get sore when I bump up my speed or mileage but no pain.

    Good luck!
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I do actually want to get an xray so will ask my doctor.

    I havent had my run checked yet, the thing is I dont even think that I could without my knee really hurting so will maybe think about that once it gets better. The whole reason that it started I think could have been a number of things. One of them being probably wearing too old trainers, running too much too soon, and also doing intervals uphill. I had done all of this before when I was at the gym a few years back, but only just started getting back into it after having about 6-9 months off from running.

    But its just the fact that after months, it hasnt really gotten much better. Im worried that something else is going onin there. I have always had funny knees since I was a kid, never been able to kneel properly becasue I have bits of bone that sort of sticks out and its quite painful to kneel.

  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's a more difficult question, since you are already under medical care and getting physical therapy. I also don't know what options or choices you have (I am assuming "UK" in your name refers to a location).

    After 4 months, it is not unreasonable to seek alternate care providers. You need to find both a doctor and a therapist who are experienced at dealing with sports injuries, specifically running injuries. A family doc or non-sports therapist can sometimes lack the clinical experience to intervene effectively. I also would wonder if they are less likely to see you as an "athlete" because you are female and more of a recreational exerciser.

    Unless you have a fracture of some sort, I would not expect much useful information from an xray. Syndromes such as yours usually involve soft tissue, not bone.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Hi, wondering whether anybody could help me out.

    I, apparently, have something like runners knee, having been to the doctor and now seeing a physio. Although he not really helping me! Its been about 4 ish months now and still cannot even do squats, lunges, definately not running or anything like that. My legs are the worse part of me and it is the only part that I cannot train. Even using the stationary bike for 10 mins or more my knee starts to swell so I have to give up.

    Its sooooo frustrating that I am so limited to what I can do.

    Has anybody got any ideas? Its really doing my head in that I cant do much!! I am thinking about gettin an xray to see if it is anything else. I did have hip pain at one point, and after looking at my stance, the physio then says that it is because my arche in my foot was going too flat so I have had to start using orthopedic insoles in my shoes.

    Even still walking down the stairs I can feel my knee (underneath the knee cap) hurt.

    Sorry this is long, just frustrated!


    I agree that after 4 months you may want to consider looking in to alernative treatment. In the mean time you may want to look in to "Cross-Training" Which is training the muscle group on one side of the body and having it result in strength increases ect.. in the inactive complementary muscle group on the other side of the body. Obviously the increases in strength are not what they are in the active muscle group but can be impressive nonetheless.. This type of training is beneficial when rehabing injuries. Also Cross-Training effects are highest when the contractions used in training are near maximal. I know for myself if I am injured and can still find a way to keep working I do.. So maybe this can be of some help.
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