Feel SO deprived! How can I get the "good feeling" going?

Hey everybody,
I don't know if this is just because I've been laid out with a horrible chest cold or not, but lately I've been struggling with an OVERWHELMING sense of deprivation with this diet.
To be blunt, I used to just whatever I wanted whenever I wanted (for the most part) and sticking to 1200 calories just seems so hard. It almost seems impossible that anyone could eat so little every day for the rest of life!
I'm not one to exercise either-walking is all, and I can't even do much of that due to ill health this week.
Is this realistic? Does anyone feel this way?


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you're feeling deprived and you think that might lead you to slip up then build some treats into your diet. They dont have to be mega calories, I have a chocolate wafer at 82 calories for when I want chocolate and have quavers for when i want a salty crunch. These are possible on 1200 calories (and less but i'm not getting into a "starvation mode" debate)

    Bulk your meals up with veg, low calorie, low fat and it makes a little room for some "empty" calories that might help keep you on the straight and narrow.
  • cddavis04
    I can't comment on the feeling deprived part but I would temporarily up my calories to fight the cold. Your body needs more energy for your immune system to work properly. I would increase your protein intake by like a 100 or so calories. Hope this helps and get well soon.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    just like your body got used to being given what you wanted when you wanted it will adapt to living on 1200 calories. This might take some time but youll get there. If you need more calories up you exercise to earn more. it just takes time, stick with it :)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Make sure you're eating a varied diet. Try new recipes, new foods... I've upped my calories because I changed my goal from 2 lbs/week to one, but I did 1200 calories off and on for a year - I never felt deprived. I still ate lots of yummy foods like oatmeal, almonds, salmon, casseroles, home-made lasagna, etc. The trick is portion control AND looking up healthier recipes. I love substituting spaghetti squash for spaghetti, I make eggplant parmesan instead of traditional lasagna, cauliflower pizza crust, etc. Not necessarily every time, but frequently. If you find delicious but healthier meals, and allow yourself the occasional treat, you should be fine. Make sure you drink adequate water, too!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    I know how you feel!! I really do. One of my big "breakthroughs" here on MFP is discovering the wonder of exercise - even when it's just walking! I "use" it to up my calories - because I KNOW that I wouldn't be able to stick to 1200.

    Another thought - maybe you could lower your weekly weightlosss to 1.5 or 1 pound? That way you will get more calories per day. I say slow and steady (and sticking with it!!) wins the race (ps: there is no race! Just keep moving in the right direction)

  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    I eat ONE Dove Dark Chocolate every evening. It keeps me from feeling deprived. The key is keeping it to one and one only.