When your family is not on board...



  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    In regards to your daughter, how old is she? She may not understand calories and weight loss. She may have been proud of the meal she made and felt rejected when you turned it down. Again, I can understand the reaction.

    I find it hard to believe that your family would think simply ordering a salad at a restaurant makes you not fun. BUT if you order that salad with a side of "I can't believe you're going to eat that" for your dinnermates, THAT makes you not fun.

    I'm not saying that you're doing this, but be sure that you are not bringing a holier-than-thou attitude along with the changes you are making. Every week, my family has a huge Sunday dinner that my mom/aunts take turns cooking. I could make a big show of eating a salad and declaring that I'm not going to eat what was prepared. Or I could say "Hey, I brought this stuff in case anybody wants some salad" and get a small serving of what my aunt made, telling her how good it is (because it always is delicious). Both approaches fit my goals, but only the first hurts feelings.