Needing Some Support

megalicious24 Posts: 11
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am kinda new to mfp, even though I signed up a few months ago. Its been a rough two days for me, especially because I have gone over my caloric intake by 1000 calories :ohwell: . I know I need to lose the weight and I am mentally ready to do so, I have started exercising more and nearly everyday I go for at least a 3 mile walk and do some aerobics off of tv. I've just been struggling with trying to lose this weight for so long and it feels like I take two step forward to go three steps back. I always look at the success stories as others seem to motivate me, but it just seems like the motivation and will power doesn't last long. It really doesn't help either when I am trying to lose weight and others in my household are kinda unsupportive by lack of a better word (Meg, do you want a cup of eggnog or lets go out to eat and start dieting on Sunday). I really try to resist temptation but the past two days have been no good (egg nog and pizza) Initially last year around January I weighed 281 at my highest, now I am about 256, (I am also 6ft tall) I am dreading my first weigh in I set for myself this Sunday. I know if I just put my mind to it and get the right support system I can beat my obesity. Any help on how can get over this hurdle I seem to be stuck on will be much appreciated. :smile:


  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    You need friends to motivate you along the way. I'll send you a friend request. Look for the newbies who are looking for friends and add them. Before you know it, you have a bunch of friends. You can look at my friends' list to request some from there. Friends are motivating. That's what you need.
  • Set some goals for yourself, short term, mid term and long term. Write them down on an index card and carry that with you everywhere. Read it multiple times every day. Write your goals as if in the present. For example on of my goals is to be 12% body fat by June next year. So I wrote my goal to be: "I am happy and thankful to be 12% BF by 15 June 2011, and I look good!"
    As for the unsupportive and nay-sayers. Tell them what you're trying to do, if they still don't support you, STOP LISTENING to them. Do what you KNOW has to be done. This is for YOU not them.

    Good luck and know that you always have the support of the people here to give you a kind word or a kick in the *kitten* when you need it.
  • Sweetie first of all you need to be commended for taking this first step! so woohooo!!!! When you first start to loose weight it is frustrating because you have to break yourself of habits. You can go out to dinner still and loose weight,,, just order like a salad or if you really want a bacon cheeseburger (that's my downfall) cut it in half right away or even quarters that way you will only eat that half or quarter... then you have lunch for the next day... also I cut out soda and all carbonated beverages all together and anytime I go out to dinner I usually order water. Also what I do is drink a bottle of water on the way to the restaurant because I usually will walk into the restaurant and want to order everything lol But drinking the water makes you not feel starving when you smell amazing food. Just remember if you look at the scale and you only see like a pound or two difference don't get discouraged... that's one less pound you had at your last weigh in!

    Good Luck! I'm sure you will do great :)
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Set some realistic goals for yourself. You have started exercises and that is great. You have taken the first step. I started by not eating snacks after dinner....if I want a sweet I have it right after my dinner and nothing else for the rest of the evening. I did this for about a month, then I joined MFP. I then started looking at how I could cut out calories and add in more exercise. I stopped drinking 2 iced mochas a day...yes I said 2. I started going only once and ordering a non fat one pump of chocolate mocha w/ no whip....very extreme for me, but after a few days I didn't even notice the difference. I made my goal for each week and did my best to stick with it. I don't give up food I like to eat, but now I eat in moderation. Pizza...I have pizza every week, but I only have 1.5 piece and sometimes a salad/fruit with it. I exercise at night, so I really can't overeat at dinner or I wouldn't be able to get on the elliptical. I'm just giving you examples of what I did...what you do may look different. I still love my sweets and eat non-fat frozen yogurts at a local shop...instead of having bags of chocolate. I gave up diet soda and drink water now. I didn't do this overnight, but each week set some goals I thought I could keep and then realized how easy it was. It does take more planning and I can't just spur of the moment go grab something to eat with friends. Sometimes I'll go and just have hot tea with my friends that are having loaded sugar coffee drinks. It doesn't bother me because I just know if is a lifestyle change and not a diet. Hope some of this helps....I just encourage you to set some goals this week!!!
  • mizzdivat
    mizzdivat Posts: 67 Member
    Congrats on joining the journey to a healthier you. I have been on here for almost 3 months now. Don't be too hard on yourself, set realistic expectations, and if you stumble while trying, get up the next day and start fresh. Everyday is a new day. I will say not being in a supportive environment doesn't help. It can be tough to get friends and family to understand how necessary it is for you to eat healthy. I know because I come from a mother who loves food and is heavy handed in the kitchen. Set short terms goals and give yourself time to accomplish them. Keep pluggin away at it. Change won't happen overnight, but you'll get there. LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • Thanks for all the support everyone. Its appreciated more than you know.
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