Protein Shakes??

Hi fellow My fitness pals!

I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts good or bad on protein powder/shakes? I have a really terrible time getting food down early in the morning before work or class for breakfast. (always have) So I was thinking about getting a blender bottle and some protein powder to make shakes mornings I can't seem to eat food and thought I would also benefit from not having to get it all down before class/work but could drink it through out my morning if need be. But I don't really know a lot about the protein powder...Like if there are certain ones to stay away from? If they are actually good for you and worth it? If having one 3-5 Mornings a week would be okay? Just any info or experience your willing to share would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance!


  • keithpmains
    keithpmains Posts: 2 Member
    Protein powders can be a great alternative if you find it difficult to meet your daily protein macro goals. Be careful to read the ingredients as some powders carry a high sugar content, and would be something to avoid if you're diabetic. There are some cheap protein powders that you can buy from places like walmart for around $15.00 a container. I'm not sure what the sugar content is, but the dissolve-ability is kind of poor. Also as you may already be aware whey protein is a dairy based product, which may cause problems if you're lactose intolerant. You can also look for a casein protein which is a slower digesting protein. Both, however, can work to help you meet your macro goals.
  • Hey,

    pure whey protein is the purest type you can get.. it's what I tend to use from (for building muscle and toning up etc)- so it depends what you're going to be using it for but i have it for breakfast with some fruit and a green tea and it's perfectly fine.... I wouldn't suggest just having a protein shake on it's own (eating is obviously always better) but if it's that or nothing then i'd definitely go for it :)
    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    I like premier protein shakes, Chocolate. Sam's or Costco 30g protein 5 carbs about 190 calories. Not the powder. From the fridge shake ready to go.
  • LynneyMetcalf
    LynneyMetcalf Posts: 63 Member
    Hey, I sometimes struggle first thing to eat breakfast and have tried protein. I can honestly say that I have found them to be a great alternative to breakfast. I like Maxitone Sculptress and Holland and Barrett do their own Diet Whey in which the vanilla is lovely (UK). They keep me going for about 3/4 hours
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    I make a power shake every morning that consists of:
    3 gr L-Glutamine
    15 gr of psyllium fiber and fibrex
    6 gr Maca powder
    20 gr whey isolate

    After workout I also do the shake only with fiber and protein. To meet the 30 minute window.
    See my blog from today for my fiber revelation;)

    fiber will make you feel fuller, alas eating less. Just remember to drink water too.
  • axw7454
    axw7454 Posts: 32 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    I make a power shake every morning that consists of:
    3 gr L-Glutamine
    15 gr of psyllium fiber and fibrex
    6 gr Maca powder
    20 gr whey isolate

    After workout I also do the shake only with fiber and protein. To meet the 30 minute window.
    See my blog from today for my fiber revelation;)

    fiber will make you feel fuller, alas eating less. Just remember to drink water too.

    Thanks for the info!