WW vs MFP ...for those who know about WW



  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member

    You are asking this on MFP...so, do you think WW will be the hands down recommendation?!???:noway: Obviously, those that are here are likely to favor MFP. But you should select what works for you: what you can and WILL follow. Personally, I think the "Free" fruits and the point system as currently constructed is nonsensical. In the end, it is calories in and calories out. Fruit have calories....
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I think the advantage of MFP is that if you really work it, you will gain a much better understanding of what it will take for you to maintain your weight, how to eat healthily and how much exercise you need/want to do, how (little) that impacts your allotted calories, but how great it makes you feel. It's all up to you, without having to spend money or go to weigh in. A good friends' list here will give you accountability to someone else if you need that.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    The last time I did WW was before they changed to PointsPlus (2010). I'll admit I didn't give the new plan a real try but from what I did see, I'd basically have to redo my whole way of eating (foods that were 3 points were now 6, etc) and that seemed pretty rediculous. Anyway, that's about the time I found MFP and it was like the clouds parted and a heavenly light shone (shined?) down - this was exactly what I needed!! Real food tracking, no tricks or manipulation to get just the right # of points, etc.

    OP, you have to do whatever works for you but I think MFP is more realistic and flexible. You can still manipulate your days, it may just take a little extra notation or something so you can track it accurately. Say you come in under your calorie goal by 100 Mon-Fri, that gives you 500 extra calories for happy hour or the family BBQ. Or save some of your exercise calories for your weekly splurge.

    The only thing I miss about WW is the meetings. Not just for the social aspect but I learned something new every week
  • Zara150
    Zara150 Posts: 53 Member
    Great answer Chadya07, I'm with you here!
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    I did WW for several years - I lost 60 pounds and then got stuck and nothing I did made that scale move. When I asked for help from the leader all I got was "just keep at it" or "you are exercising too much". I am very active and I think WW doesn't really accomodate that very well. I finally got so frustrated I quit last year and gained back 18 pounds :(

    This spring I joined here and have lost 13 of the 18 pounds I gained last year. It is slow going, but at least the scale is moving down. I too hated that WW only focused on the scale, at the rate I was going I would be paying forever (which, I realize is what they want). At least here if I gain one week I don't stress out about the extra money I will have to spend to lose it. I also hated that you couldn't figure out your protein, carb and fat numbers without tracking separately - they have all that information so I am not sure why the tracking program doesn't show it.

    My advice is pick one and stick with it for a month - when I started here I struggled with trying to incorporate WW into MFP and it was just overwhelming. That being said, I believe there is a way to add points to your MFP diary - there is something out here on the boards that you can download that will allow you to do both calories and points.
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    WW worked well for me (hence my user name) and when I decided to lose a few final pounds I went back to them (for free, as I'm a lifetime member). They had changed to the Points Plus program which honestly didn't make any sense to me after having been quite successful maintaining using their 'old' Points program for so many years. I gave it a bit of a try and then went back to my comfort zone of the old system.

    I can't exactly recall how I found MFP - may have been a random search. Once I started here, I at first tracked both ways - keeping a rather onerous spreadsheet to convert MFP info into WW points info. That lasted about a week. Ditched WW for good as soon as I realized just how EASY it was here and how much more in-depth information I was getting about the foods I was eating. It made it so much easier to eat better - more mindfully I guess you could say. I knew nothing about macros and such and I learn something new here pretty much any time I venture into the forums.

    Bottom line is, whichever way you decide lose weight, you need to stick with it and make the effort. :flowerforyou:
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    I had done weight watchers off and on for years. I found I did the best with the online tools, just having a chance to record and be accountable. I really like the point system and those extra points for the week! Also love the structure that encourages high fiber, low fat and whole foods. HOWEVER. I had gotten my fattest yet during one of my "can't afford to use weight-watchers now" periods and realized that I had to start recording and being accountable using a lower cost tracking tool. I think I found mfp with a google search. NOW: love this community (you learn to avoid the forums that are full of haters and trolls), have met some great supportive people, find the articles more helpful than the WW ones. I've lost 13 pounds in around 60 days and have lots of support for staying on the path. LOVE that the food data base is huge including all those name brands and restaurants. SO GREAT. I like the encouraging works that are automatic and how easy it is to track everything. I have no excuses now and intend to reach my goal weight in 2015.
  • missbirrell
    I did WW in 2006 for 15 months and lost 60lbs+.

    In 2010-2012 I put most of those back on. I tried the new WW system in 2011 and 2012 and couldn't get along with it, I had virtually no loss. I came to MFP in 2013 and have lost 55lbs so far. I definitely prefer it here. I think WW didn't work for because you didn't have to count fruits and vegetables - and there's still calories in those!