Back,breastfeeding and looking for friends!

I was doing mfp for about a yr and lost quite a bit of weight. I decided it was time for my 3 rd baby :-) I have been off of weight loss program since getting pregnant. After my girlie was born I started watching what i ate during breastfeeding due to my baby's food sensitivities. I am dairy, egg and soy free. Which cuts out ALOT of processed foods and because of that i have gotten down to my weight before pregnancy. My little one just turned 12 mo. I'm still nursing but ready to get back to weight loss!! I have alot to lose ideally 50+ pounds. I am looking for friends to cheer each other on along the way. So much easier to stay on journey with supporting one another. Please add me if you wanna ;-) Looking forward to meeting some of you!


  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    welcome and congrats on your 3rd!
  • 55044TeamJoy
    55044TeamJoy Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats and Good Luck!
  • momblobnomore
    momblobnomore Posts: 19 Member
    You can add me, I am 2 months pp with my 2nd son I am breastfeeding and had a c section trying to get up the motivation to work or again. I am 15 lb from pre pregnancy weight but want to lose about 40 lb total
  • lclarius
    lclarius Posts: 34 Member
    Im i a similiar boat and would love the encouragement as well. I am having a hard time staying motivated. I have 10 month old and just stopped breastfedding aka no more excuses haha.
  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    I breastfed both of mine, but my production gave out after about 6 months. Congrats on keeping it going for as long as you have!

    I can help with the dairy and soy free stuff, but I don't know much about egg-free. I sent you a FR :)
  • WheezyGonzalez
    Hi there! I'm currently breastfeeding my first baby girl (15 weeks). I'll add you :) And, I would really like if anyone else from here added me too!

    - WheezyGonzalez (Nidia)
  • doty0815
    Yay for you nursing mamas :smile:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Hello. Welcome to MFP!
  • LDenno82
    I have been using MFP throughout my pregnancy (to make sure I got enough cals, don't worry lol) and now using it at 2 weeks PP and also BFing. I am down 20lbs (mostly water weight) out of 39 I gained. I will send you a request. Not sure how friends on here worked. This is my first time checking out the forums.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    If I ever get divorced I am going to use this forum title as the title to my personal ad!
    I read it that way, too
  • souffrir_belle
    souffrir_belle Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also in the same position (and wrote a desperate post asking for people to keep me motivated...) so feel free to add me!