1Banana + 2Granola Bars for Breakfast.. Are you kidding!

ranree Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Wow... who knew I would ever be satisfied with a banana and 2 granola bars for breakfast! It was very tasty and filling and I got some fiber to make it stick with me for a while... I'm amazing myself for this past week. Today marks my first week on this better eating/watch the calories/watch my portion size/get more fiber/careful of the sodium/log it all into the website kick and things seem much easier that I ever thought. There may be hope for me yet (just kidding with that last line). Need to focus on doing those exercises more druing the week. I was all over those last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Then I got lost in the work/family/not extremely interested in working out today space... my goal is to work on that this week, 4 days between today and next Saturday, that would only require 2 workday workouts, let's see if i can do that one.

I think this thing can work! :happy:


  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    It does work! Set small goals, like you are doing, and you won't get overwhelmed. Good job on the lifestyle changes!
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    I felt like getting my portions under control was the first step and with that came a "shrunken" stomach that continued to make it easier. Once you start falling out of your clothes, the drive really kicks in! Congrats and stay strong!
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    its great huh? After almost 4 weeks of logging what I shovel into my gullet, I have lost 13 lbs - and after a week or so of "normal" portions (instead of AMMP's supersized portions) I find I am satisfied with my smaller portions. maybe that whole shrunken stomach thing is true :)
  • micahman
    micahman Posts: 15 Member
    I have lost a total of 140lbs through the years. But still have a hard time with breakfast. I usually did not eat anything for breakfast. Now I eat a banana before my workout then one-two eggs and energy bar (pure protien is very low in sugar) after that. I am not starved at lunch but I do eat a good lunch. Now if I can just get my night time snacking down I might could loose the last 10 lbs. I dont have a prob with exercise it is the eating.

    But keep up the good work it all does pay off in the long run. And sometimes it does take a long time to show but it will. Best wishes. And Merry CHRISTmas.
  • You guys are just great. And I'm encouraged by your own accomplishments. Thank you!
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