Running hills/stairs

Does running stairs/hills make your legs bulky? I love pushing myself hard during workouts and doing differnt HIIT workouts and have been doing this exercise a lot. Will this make me gain a lot of muscle in my legs? Or just tone?

Anyone have experience with this? Thanks :)


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    yeaaaaah.....probably not. tons of cardio isn't really known as the Maker of Bulky Legs.

    you've got 30 pounds to lose? r u certain?
  • Okay- good to know! Thanks.

    And no it's more like 20lbs. My picture was when I was about 15 lbs less than I am now.
  • As a girl, you're not gonna get massive and bulky anyway! we don't have enough testosterone (unless your diet is really specific and you work hard)
    i use the step machiene in the gym and it's great for toning your legs/bum! (not even heavy weightlifting makes a woman bulk up - in general-) i lift weights and all it does is tone .. a lot easier than cardio as well..

    so you'll be fine doing what you're doing

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Does running stairs/hills make your legs bulky? I love pushing myself hard during workouts and doing differnt HIIT workouts and have been doing this exercise a lot. Will this make me gain a lot of muscle in my legs? Or just tone?

    Anyone have experience with this? Thanks :)

    I guess it is how you are defining "bulky".

    Hypertrophy is triggered when you impose your muscles to sufficient amounts of stress that micro tears are created. Then, in your recovery period your body rebuilds itself but because it anticipates your muscles will experience the same level of stress in the future it "supercompensates" and makes the muscles "bigger" (much of which can actually be fluid rather than actual growth.)

    Recent research (IIRC) now suggests that what was once was thought to be lactic acid build up during "cardio" like cycling or running is actually micro tears occurring.

    That said whether the actual amount of bulkiness achieved will be significant is another thing. Will you end up looking like a body builder for example? No.
  • HestiaMoon1
    HestiaMoon1 Posts: 278 Member
    I did them to train for rowing and do them now pre ski season and I see definition and tone more than bulk. I have long legs, too. As a woman, it's hard to bulk - isn't it? The whole testosterone v estrogen thing. One piece of advice - Don't do hills/stairs on a day when that night you want to wear tight jeans - my thighs usually swell a bit for a few hours after a workout.