Distance Runners/Eating Exercise Calories

Hey everyone,

I have a question for those who run long distances (marathoners/half marathoners, etc).

How are you supposed to eat back your exercise calories when they get to be well over an extra day's worth of food?

I am at a 1200 calorie limit, ran 11 miles this morning, and ended up getting 1380 extra calories. I just can't eat that much!

In fact, I'm at about 291 net calories (1671 calories eaten for the day, less the 1380 burned) and I'm totally full. But I know this isn't good for my metabolism, and I don't want my long runs to hinder my weight loss because I go into starvation mode due to the high amount of calories burned. Any advice?


  • lordofultima
    I don't see how you can run 11 miles without eating a bunch of carbs before the run, and then wanting to replenish that energy after you burnt all of it. If you run 11 miles a day, the 1200 calorie limit does not apply to you, no way no how. Eat more.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I don't know what your meal plan is like...either three big meals a day or three meals and three snacks. With six spaced meals, it's only any extra 200 calories a meal to reach those 1200 calories. There are some good healthy, calorie dense foods that would be good to meet your goals.

    Hopefully someone who has a little more experience with running will be able to give you a little more help. Goodluck!
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    I don't see how you can run 11 miles without eating a bunch of carbs before the run, and then wanting to replenish that energy after you burnt all of it. If you run 11 miles a day, the 1200 calorie limit does not apply to you, no way no how. Eat more.

    I only do long runs like that once a week... on Saturdays usually. And the night before I often go over at dinner time. But on the day I actually run and get all of those extra calories, I do eat more, but not a whole extra day's worth.
  • skinnyack
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Also bumping!
  • BrinaJo
    I'm knew to the whole calorie counting idea, and I'm not a huge stickler on it, but as far as running and eating go, I'm with you I don;t eat a ton extra. However when I do my 5k's and longer runs through out the year, I usually just need a little extra carbs which I don't normally eat, such as a nut mix which seams to replenish my energy level and feel good. I'm with the guy who says that the calorie intake that day doesnt really apply on those days, and you really have to watch your own body, do not dehydrate or deplete yourself of food, you will just mess your self up.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    If its only once a week, I think you'd be fine to just make your daily intake 100-200 calories higher, every day, instead of trying to force down those 1200 at once.

    If you'd rather not, though, just try to make sure you get in a good 300 calories or so of easily digested proteins and carbs right after your run, when your muscles are primed to pack that nutrition away, and don't worry about it too much.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Try a really dense protein shake afterwards...add in a banana and a tablespoon of PB and you should have a shake that is at least a good 500 cals.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I don't see how you can run 11 miles without eating a bunch of carbs before the run, and then wanting to replenish that energy after you burnt all of it. If you run 11 miles a day, the 1200 calorie limit does not apply to you, no way no how. Eat more.

    I only do long runs like that once a week... on Saturdays usually. And the night before I often go over at dinner time. But on the day I actually run and get all of those extra calories, I do eat more, but not a whole extra day's worth.

    One thing I did when I was marathon training and going through this same issue was I would eat more the night before...I didn't go way over but I made sure I ate quality nutrition before a long run. Also I added a lot of nuts, and on long run days incorporated drinks like gatorade etc...drink up those cals...I usually don't drink my cals but the cals you get while drinking gatorade while running help fuel you through the run....

    If it is just this one day each week that this is a struggle I wouldn't worry too much about starvation mode...just eat up..they were days when I would want to cry but would go eat a whole grain bagel with some peanut butter just to get some cals...I added protein bars on long run days etc..it is like a chemistry experiment...it takes some tinkering but you will find a way that works for you
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hello sunshine! :o)

    I am the same exact way and struggle with it on a weekly basis. However I've really been remedying the problem with a high calorie breakfast. Not only has this been filling up my calories for the day, I've noticed I'm MORE hungry during the day. Its amazing to get those hunger pangs. I never used to get them before! I run so much now I'm hoping its a higher metabolism or the fact that I need more calories because I'm burning more. But! I didn't start the breakfast thing right away. I started running first and didn't notice any problems, just that I couldn't get all of my calories. Started eating breakfast like a King, bam. Hungry. Eating more. Noticed, and I could be imagining it, a lot more muscle in my stomach. I'm working on loosing the last five pounds. I've dropped 2 pounds and even though I haven't measured myself, I know I've lost inches. My tiny jeans are loose. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm only stating...oh my gosh WOW! This worked for me! I'm considering a protein shake now too. Someone just recommended one to me and I thought it would be a good way to use up some afternoon calories. :o)

    Keep running fast girlie!!!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    When I am in a consistent running/training mode, I have to keep my caloric intake fairly high or I will not have any energy and feel sluggish.
  • crissimoyer
    It was never how much I ate but the type of food I ate. I was taught to eat Carb/protein combo...my fav is PB & Bananas on toast.