Struggling to lose weight or drop body fat?


I Just fought I would share some knowledge that literally works for me every single time I attempt it... I have gone through stages where I want to keep the muscle I have gained and just drop down body fat to 10-8% and I have, I have been at 19%body fat and within 6 weeks dropped down to 10% body fat but only lost 2 kg of which I looked like I had more muscle then I was 2 kg heavier... MUSCLE weighs more then FAT... remember that.

3 Asparagus Spears
3 Boiled, scrambled, omelette eggs (Rotate)
Handful of cashew nuts
Handful of Blueberries
1 tablespoon of coconut oil

2 Handfuls of spinach
Chicken Breast/ Turkey (I normally have about 130 g of chicken and slice it up
1 half avocado
1 banana

Mid afternoon about 3ish...
Whey protein just pure protein.

Then Gym...

After Gym Whey protein shake with carbs (you can buy a 1 kg of carbs which is juts a extra 50g of carbs when you mix with your protein this will help recovery after your workout.

2 Handfuls Broccoli
1 rump steak/ beef/ chicken breast/ turkey
1 handful kidney beans
1/2 handful mozzarella
Large Sweet potato
Apple or low fat yoghurt for desert

Before bed - 1 tablespoon of almond butter and a cup of green tea.

Total protein - around 220g depending your protein shake mine is 19g per scoop so i put 2 in
Total Fats 83g (good fats)
Total Carbs = 123g (good energy)

Greens- Greens are stacked up with vitamins, they balance out your hormones and transfer protein to where its needed.
Protein - To compensate for the calorie deficit your causing, you need lots of protein, split it across the day and aim for a gram per 0.5kg of your bodyweight, above is broken down for the average 82kg man, me...

Carbs- Yes you need to cut back on these to build six pack abs and drop body fat, but most of the carbs you do put away you eat before bed, that's right this improves sleep quality and recovery reducing cortisol and body fat...

Fats - fat doesn't actually make you fat, refined carbs are to blame for the podge around your middle. healthy fats fuel your training, encourage muscle growth and crucially teach your body to burn fat as energy!! So make sure you get them good fats in.

Guys AND girls honestly.. whether you are big/slim/muscle/athletic/ ext... this will work follow this exact plan, along with a training regime (which if you contact me I will be more then happy in helping you) and I swear to god you will drop the **** out of your fat and retain muscle.

Any questions give me a shout....