Early Bird schedules and workers on their feet

I wasn't sure which message board to put this under because it touches a lot of topics. I work at a convention hotel which has very fast pace environment. I am on my feet realistically 7 1/2 hours. Sometimes I don't get a break. It has been a struggle to work out and eat the amount of calories I am suppose to consume. So let me tell you how my week goes.

I wake up at about 4:30/45. I try not to wait to eat too long after I wake up - You are supposedly not suppose to wait over 30 minutes after you wake to eat because it slows your metabolism down. So I eat something small like fruit, yogurt, etc. I then snack all day. I eat about 4 times before I even get home. I do make healthy choices but I fell hungry all the time. I get off at 2-3 (which is so early) and I don't get to bed until 10. Basically I start to binge eat before dinner racking up the calories.

This is becoming a battle and I don't even have kids yet which scares the **** out of me. When I get off work my feet are throbbing and I am spent!! So depending how the week goes I can go 1 - 4 times a week. I want to set my goal realistically at 3. I would love to go more but I don't want to discourage myself. Sometimes I will bring my gym bag to make me go after work. Yea, that isn't working anymore. I just go straight home and just don't/didn't work out. A gym opened 2 blocks from me so it has gotten so much easier to go home for a few hours and walk over. I am loving that if I don't doze off!!

So my question:
Who here has the same schedule?
What do you eat through the day and at what times?
How do you find the time to work out, how long are you at the gym?

What I am trying to get out of this post is motivation, advice, recipes, ideas, things to eat..... etc. Basically want to see how others balance their life with the same schedule :)


  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    This is quite a tricky situation and there maybe a few ways to tackle it.

    if you dont work every day of the week, you could try similar principles to the 5:2 diet.

    that covers the HOW?

    the WHAT? well that is tricky with out knowing you, but the best advice ive had is pre-plan, pre-prepare what ever you are going to have. even if it means having a stash spot at work with little tubs of filling, healthy scrummy snacks. its really hard to suggest any without knowing what foods you like.

    The WHEN? this is the part it seems you have little control over, if you have to eat when you can at work then thats all you can do, eat when have the chance.

    as for exercise. your job seems very active if you are on your feet and rushing about for 7+ hours per day, so the type of exercise you need would depend on what your goals are?

    i dont feel like ive answered your questions specifically but hopefully ive given you something to think about?
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    What is the 5:2 diet?
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I would start by eating a real breakfast. You are probably feeling the need to binge at night because you aren't eating anything in the morning. I don't know how true the whole "eat within 30 minutes" business is, but you should try to eat more than fruit and a yogurt for breakfast if you are starving all day. Try some whole grain bread with peanut butter; eggs; a high protein/fiber cereal... something that will help to fill you up.

    You said you eat about 4 times before you go home at 2, but are still hungry. What are you eating? (Maybe you need to eat something with more protein - and drink lots of water).

    As for exercise, I assume you work 5 days a week? Start by working out on your day offs. Its not a lot, but its a start. And then try walking at night on the days that you work. Its a small start, but it will help to get you in the right mindset.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    You are supposedly not suppose to wait over 30 minutes after you wake to eat because it slows your metabolism down.

    This is bologna. Your body doesn't care what time it is, eat when you are hungry. I get up at 7 and usually don't have anything besides coffee until about 9:30-10 because I'm just not hungry. You are probably bingeing because you are depriving yourself. Try adding more protein, especially at breakfast.

    As far as exercise, start small. I have 2 kids and I work all day. I started on one of my two days off. Then added in a little after the kids went to bed. Start with taking a walk. Maybe run or hit the gym after a few weeks. You'll notice your energy levels will increase as you build it in, and it becomes part of your routine in no time.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    I would start by eating a real breakfast. You are probably feeling the need to binge at night because you aren't eating anything in the morning. I don't know how true the whole "eat within 30 minutes" business is, but you should try to eat more than fruit and a yogurt for breakfast if you are starving all day. Try some whole grain bread with peanut butter; eggs; a high protein/fiber cereal... something that will help to fill you up.

    You said you eat about 4 times before you go home at 2, but are still hungry. What are you eating? (Maybe you need to eat something with more protein - and drink lots of water).

    As for exercise, I assume you work 5 days a week? Start by working out on your day offs. Its not a lot, but its a start. And then try walking at night on the days that you work. Its a small start, but it will help to get you in the right mindset.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

    Maybe your right. I don't eat a big breakfast (when I work early) because I don't want to eat too many calories and really over eat before I eat dinner. I also try to stick to a paleo type of diet. I am not on a paleo diet but try and stay away from wheat and grains as much as possible.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member

    Who here has the same schedule?

    Mine's not the same but i work 8-4:30 (wake up at 6:30-7 and go to bed at midnight)
    What do you eat through the day and at what times?

    I have coffee when I wake up, breakfast (greek yogurt & granola, homemade (premade) breakfast pizza, eggs, etc) around 10. I have lunch at noon (usually dinner leftovers or something I prepare in advance). Snack around 2:30, dinner at 5:30 and a snack around 9.
    How do you find the time to work out, how long are you at the gym?

    I run 4 times a week after my kids have gone to bed. I go to the gym twice a week right after dinner, kids go to the childcare center of the gym. My workouts are only about 40-45 minutes long so it's not bad.
  • Breakfast is important. Your body needs the fuel to get through the day. Along with early exercise it helps keep energy levels high and metabolism going. I would recommend Chris Powells card cycling plan. Good information and worth the read.
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    The 5:2 diet is two days of a reduced calorie intake. On 2 days a week (you pick) you only eat 500 calories. The other 5 days you eat regularly... preferably making good choices. The two days at 500 create the deficit needed for weight loss. I've done it before and it does work.
  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi there. We share a very similar schedule. :-) I am up at 4:15 and commute for an hour, then work an 8 hour shift, which puts me home at 3. I workout 7 days a week, which includes lifting, intense mountain biking, and yoga. I have three kids and all of them are in school. They are honestly pretty easy to manage, and I usually get my workouts in without much of a problem. Here is what I don't have....a social life. I don't go out. I don't drink, and I go to bed around 10 pm, whether I work, or not. I take a 30 minute nap as soon as I get home from work, then I go workout, unless I have to do something for the kids at that time. If that is the case, I go while they are at their activities, or immediently after. I don't struggle with finding time for my workouts because they are my favorite part of the day. I LOVE IT!
    I drink coffee and take 2 BCAAs while I am getting ready and going to work. I eat my first meal at 7-7:30 am and it is egg whites with celery and peanut butter every day. I eat my next meal three hours later, and it is always chicken breast and cucumbers. My 3 meal is my pre-workout meal, so it is usually greek yogurt with pumpkin or a sweet potato. My next meal is about 4-5 hours later and is post workout egg whites with cheerios, or whey protein with fruit or whey protein with rice cakes and honey. My next meal is usually tuna fish with peanut butter and celery or greek yogurt. My final meal is always a protein shake. I aim for 1800 calories+ exercise calories, but I adjust higher if I am doing a hard mtb ride, or am feeling drained for a couple days in a row.
    It sounds to me like you aren't getting enough calories for your busy day. I would start a reverse diet, which will get your calories up to an appropriate and reasonable level, without making you gain weight. Google Dr. Layne reverse diet. He is a fantastic resource, and I went from 1200 calories a day on 2 hours of exercise daily to approximately 2200 calories a day without gaining. Good luck!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Breakfast is important. Your body needs the fuel to get through the day. Along with early exercise it helps keep energy levels high and metabolism going. I would recommend Chris Powells card cycling plan. Good information and worth the read.

    not really.

    I don't eat till 1 in the afternoon usually. I only eat breakfast when I'm with my BF because he plans things during the day and I have no idea where I'll be and when I'm eating next (he likes surprises)... so it's fine.

    Don't eat breakfast if you don't want to.

    I personally struggle to work out in the morning completely fasted- but some people really are okay with it- it takes some time to adjust- but you can do it. I don't do it often enough to fully adjust- so I have a scoop or two of yogurt- or a banana and some PB- something just to settle my stomach.

    But most days - I don't eat breakfast- and most days I'm not working out in the AM- so easy peasy.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Breakfast is important. Your body needs the fuel to get through the day. Along with early exercise it helps keep energy levels high and metabolism going. I would recommend Chris Powells card cycling plan. Good information and worth the read.

    not really.

    I don't eat till 1 in the afternoon usually. I only eat breakfast when I'm with my BF because he plans things during the day and I have no idea where I'll be and when I'm eating next (he likes surprises)... so it's fine.

    Don't eat breakfast if you don't want to.

    I personally struggle to work out in the morning completely fasted- but some people really are okay with it- it takes some time to adjust- but you can do it. I don't do it often enough to fully adjust- so I have a scoop or two of yogurt- or a banana and some PB- something just to settle my stomach.

    But most days - I don't eat breakfast- and most days I'm not working out in the AM- so easy peasy.

    Thank you. I have to disagree with the breakfast. So many nutritionists, doctors, and personal trainers swear by eating breakfast in the morning.... I will agree to disagree though. Thank you for leaving your comment :)
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    You are supposedly not suppose to wait over 30 minutes after you wake to eat because it slows your metabolism down.

    This is bologna. Your body doesn't care what time it is, eat when you are hungry. I get up at 7 and usually don't have anything besides coffee until about 9:30-10 because I'm just not hungry. You are probably bingeing because you are depriving yourself. Try adding more protein, especially at breakfast.

    As far as exercise, start small. I have 2 kids and I work all day. I started on one of my two days off. Then added in a little after the kids went to bed. Start with taking a walk. Maybe run or hit the gym after a few weeks. You'll notice your energy levels will increase as you build it in, and it becomes part of your routine in no time.