Wanted - Fat, Female, Fifty (or thereabouts) Friends!

I am not new to MFP, in fact this website was the reason I was so successful a couple of years ago and then I fell of the wagon and now I am at my highest weight. You would think that the 49 years I've spent on this planet I would have learned the lesson to be healthy but here I am again. Support is a huge part of my success, I need it, I am happy to offer it to others.

Before the naysayers start on me for my title I will explain.

Female friends because I think women understand women. There are many things/feelings/emotions that happen during a weight loss journey that I really don't want to discuss with a man that isn't my husband.

Fifty or thereabouts is necessary because of the problems that come from trying to lose weigh at this age. It's not easy, it's slower I would like my friends in the same boat so we can encourage and exchange ideas on how to overcome.

Fat, well I guess we all think we are fat, thats why we are here but if your goal is to lose 10 pound...pfft I can lose 10 pounds, thats not the problem. My problem is that I need to lose 10 pounds 10 times over and so far I never seem to lose more than 50 and I fall off the wagon!

If you recognize yourself in the description above please send a friend request and lets do this together!


  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    Is 46 close enough?
  • vettim16
    vettim16 Posts: 97 Member
    I am also 46 and sending you a friend request!
  • I am also 46. I have tried MFP several times over the last few years, but I always have trouble keeping with it. I am hoping that If I have some friends my age in the same boat, I will have some accountablility and keep coming back. I check Facebook everyday because I have friends and family that I want to keep in touch with. If I can make some friends here that can offer some encouragement when I am faltering (and I can encourage them as well), maybe this will finally work for me.
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    I shall be 45 at Christmas and am battling hard with this. I shall send you a friends request but any others that would like to befriend me please feel free to send me a request too :-)
  • Hi, count me in! I'm 49.5 and hoping to have made a good start and loss before I turn 50 in January! I have a lot to lose but am determined to feel good at turning 50, after lots of difficult life challenges over the last decade - a large part of my weight problem. I'm mum to a 14 year old son (single mum) and work from home, so I need all the friends and support I can get! :smile:
  • nej1965
    nej1965 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 49 in November and have been dieting forever.... need all the help I can get.... would like some more mfp buddies - if anyone would like to add me!!!!
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    I'm 53 with 20lbs still to lose, Love your dog by the way! :flowerforyou:
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I'm 47 and happy to have new friends....also hypothyroid which is a pain in my butt :). Feel free to add me!!
  • DaisyDi65
    DaisyDi65 Posts: 70 Member
    I fit all the above! Feel free to add me!!
  • jbelles0820
    jbelles0820 Posts: 12 Member
    You can friend me! I am 49 (as of last week) and need to lose about 85 lbs.
  • bstoudt369
    bstoudt369 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 48 but got a good start on losing the "Fat". Add me if you like.
  • Lawngirl296
    Lawngirl296 Posts: 46 Member
    The heading is me and you would think I would have a clue how to do this by now!!
    I want to blame everything for my fatness, menopause is my newest excuse but.......too much food and beer and not enough excuse is the real reason. I would love to hear how you all are doing it, there is power in numbers!
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    You can add me! I'm 50 and I've lost 70 so far, hoping for a total of 180 lost in the next year or two. I'm in this for the long haul!
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    Naysayer here. Being close to your goal weight, losing 10 lbs isn't exactly "no problem". It can be extremely difficult.

    I have MFP friends of all shapes and sizes, ages, and sexes. After all, we are all n this together, right? Why such the bad attitude?
  • crencibia
    crencibia Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. I'm 51 and have about 20 lbs to lose (if truth be told 30 wouldn't kill me!). I get started and then fall off the wagon usually by weeks end. Feel free to add me!!!!! I NEED SOMEONE to hold me accountable!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Hi, I'm 44, and started this with 100 (or thereabouts) to lose, although I'm now on the last 30. One of my main goals here is to figure out how to maintain at 45 and after, though, so I expect to be around and learning well after I'm at goal. I'd love to share ideas with others.
    CARJCAEJ Posts: 19 Member
    There should be a group, just for those of us that fit this description! ;) (Maybe there is and I just haven't found it yet!) It is so much harder at this age than it was when I was younger!
  • lspop09
    lspop09 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 44 (45 in 2 months)...feeling your pain while sitting in your same boat :-) Before a cruise in Jan, I set out to loose 50lbs, only managed to loose 25...now the cruise is coming back around in Feb. I gained back all 25 plus an extra 3...so, today I start again. I'd love some "friends" to keep me honest with my diary!!
  • August_1958
    August_1958 Posts: 110 Member
    I am mid-50's and not new to MFP either. I have yo-yo'd with 15 pounds for 3 years. Down 15, up 15, back down 10, up 5, down 7, up 17. Yes, I too reached my heighest weight, ever, last month. After seeing myself in photos, not being comfortable bending and feeling totally miserable, it hit me.. I have to do this. It is now or never...

    I agree that women, once they hit their mid-40's, something changes. The heaviest part of my body is no longer my hips, legs and thighs, but has shifted UP! My waist and higher, holds the most of my over weightness. It is very discouraging to see people 50 pounds heavier than myself, that looks slimmer in a photo, because of the difference in how we are all built.

    I am STILL (at my age) trying to accept myself, love myself and forgive myself. I was never an overweight child or teenager. My weight never "blossomed" until after my last child was born. So I can't even blame childbirth! (HA) I do believe hormonal changes are to blame, along with not caring about myself, and forgetting to take care of "ME". I guess we mothers do this sort of thing. :love:

    I fit the topic: fat, female, fifty and I could use some friends! Please feel free to add me and let's do this, together!
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    HI. I am 51 and still need to lose another 20 LBS. Add me, if you would like.