I Don't Know If I Trust Applebees....

ammp Posts: 107 Member
So we went out to dinner with some friends the other night and I searched the menu looking for something on my level. I like that they show the calories, that was nice.
I looked at their Under 500 options but nothing was blowing my skirt up, I'm not a fan of seafood.

I saw their new Weight Watchers® Chipotle Lime Chicken and got excited, sounds perfect - plus it was listed as 500 calories, including sides.

Food comes out and I was so sure I got the wrong thing I even asked the waiter. It was huge portions, I don't truely believe it was 500 calories. I had the chicken breast covered with some kind of cheese sauce, around 1.2-1.5 cups of rice and then there was shredded tortilla chips.

I double checked thier website (http://www.applebees.com/downloads/nutritional_info.html) and it says again 500 cal including sides.

I don't know......feels wrong.


  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    I don't think any restaurants that list their calories are going to be entirely accurate. The amounts they put are based on an exact recipe, and the odds are they aren't making or serving the food exactly as designed. I usually use restaurant websites as an estimate for calories. Especially when the food includes sides, which are going to be cheaper for them to make - I'm sure they fill the plate with those so it's looks like more food.
  • MrsSeaShell
    According to this "http://www.drgourmet.com/health/restaurants/pdf/applebees-ww.pdf" it should not have rice or tortilla chips, it is listed as a salad, so I am not sure what you were served??/
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Honestly - if really depends on how good the cooks in the kitchen are and how they are trained on portions and recipes. It does not sound like you were served the correct meal!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Well a cup of cooked white rice is 200 calories, Chicken about 3-4 oz is another 160-200, so that is about 400. The slaw that is supposed to come with black beans and corns can run you up to 200 calories. Plus tortilla strips, 9 tortilla chips are about 120 calories.

    So depending on the serving size, you are looking at an average fo r 500-800 calories for the meal.

    If you felt like the serving size was too large than it probably was. They were supposed to top it with a salsa of sorts, not a cheese sauce, so it sounds like they gave you the wrong thing.

    It sounds like the fiest lime chicken which is close in description as the WW one but has cheese.
  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member
    It sounds to me you got their Fiesta Lime Chicken® (1250 calories) not the new Weight Watchers® Chipotle Lime Chicken (500 calories).
  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    the thing that bothers me the most is that even the 500calorie meals have almost an entire day (or more) worth of salt in them!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    skycladkat is right... Thats what the fiesta lime chicken dish is. Your waiter must have gotten your order wrong.