Which setting should I do?

I currently just finished 4 weeks of T25 Gamma and just started T25 Gamma Hybrid workout. I also do some light squats/press/deadlifts with what little I have in dumbell weight at the house currently. I am 5'3 ~127 lbs currently and I am really wanting to try to get lean and tone up the love handles/belly.

I set my macros to 40/40/20 P/C/F. Basically, I don't really want to look too skinny by losing too much weight, but i'm not sure whether I need to set my MFP to like .5 lbs or maintain to try and get more lean looking. I probably eat slightly more than MFP tells me too though cause I don't always weigh everything out right now, but I am trying to be more accurate. I am usually taking in arount 1700 cals

Any thoughts?


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    To build more muscle your going to have to eat more. And I know it sounds crazy but increasing your calories slowly will actually help you lose that last little bit of fat and you will see amazing results.
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    So, should I set myfitnesspal to the maintenance setting then instead of .5 lb per week lost? Also, not doing a ton of heavy lifting just yet does that make much difference?
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    Any one? Could use some help on this