why do allot of people end up gaining more weight back



  • lelyke
    Because this has to be a lifestyle change and a lot of people don't realize that. They eat at a deficit and exercise thinking, it's only till I get this 20 lbs off. What they can't accept is that they have to develop these habits for life to keep the weight off, so they hit their goal weight, think YAY! I can eat again... and bam, back comes the weight.
    I was going to post this but I saw my post already... lol. THIS!!!!!!!!!!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    When you lose weight, it's not 100% fat -- you also lose some LBM along with the fat. When people crash diet or don't do resistance training while losing, they're more likely to lose more LBM. Then, when they gain weight back, it's mostly fat.


    Lose fat and LBM...then gain just fat back...you end up with a higher body fat percentage than before you started. And, because fat is less dense than muscle, you end up physically larger than when you started.

    +1 This right here - very well said!