Please help me avoid the donuts.



  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    thanks everyone for your comments! i made it through the day without so much as a nibble. and there were still some left today, but i still refrained! :)


    Seriously, my office is like this too, but I've practiced and practiced and practiced for the last 2 years, but now I just ignore all the "free", unhealthy snacks and leftovers lying around. It doesn't even enter my head to look, and it all comes down to that first time I decided to say no. After that making the conscious choice to eat or not to eat something was waaay easier.

    Way to go!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I worked somewhere that there were donuts out every single morning. I got sick of seeing them just waiting for people to grab one so every few hours I would grab one and secretly throw it away. I swear I did this. Nobody ever noticed. Just bring in your own snacks and don't look at them if you can or grab one every few hours and do what I do. They will sit there all day cuz everyone is trying to avoid them. I promise you that. I had to learn this myself. Don't think of it as wasting, think of it as saving yourself and your coworkers. :laugh: :drinker:

    As someone who frequently doles out my own money to treat my employees, whether it be donuts, lunch, or a healthy snack, maybe approaching the person who brings them and talking to them about how no one wants them and they are going to waste would be a better solution. If you look at it from a different perpspective, like if you took the time and money to bring in something to treat the office and found someone was throwing it away just to get rid of it, you would consider it rude. Best policy is to just leave it be or have a conversation.

    I often bring in veggie trays or fruit trays instead of donuts simply because after speaking with my employees, that was the general consensus on what they would like to have in the office for snacks. The person bringing donuts to your office may not realize no one wants them, especially if they are disappearing...they may think they are getting eaten. Just a thought..:smile::flowerforyou:

    Edit: for mistakes

    My office started a fruit delivery every week. Every Wednesday a basket of fruit is delivered to every pantry, the email zips around the office and the good stuff is gone in 20 mins. Some people even go on the hunt for "their" fruit around the different floors if they miss out!

    If your employer is self-insured, this is an easy sell to management.
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    Back away from the donuts...besides they were sneezed on!!! In addition, some gross guy handled them without washing his hands after leaving the toilet. Totally not worth getting de-railed...
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Pre-workout at it's best - I'll have them!