
I just found out I have pcos ;( I run 3 miles everyday and am always walking around..I also have been a vegetarian for almost all my life & eat extremely healthy but I can't lose weight ! I'm currently about 120 and wanna be 112 because I here it can balance out your hormones if you're at a low weight but it's impossible.. I try and only eat whole grains and brown rice etc but nothing helpzzzz curse my ovaries for this


  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I have it, too. But I am vastly more overweight for my size. 200lbs for me makes my hormones balance out completely, even though I'm 5ft even and should weigh a lot less. I suppose it's different for everyone, they say weight loss will also help my PCOS and boy do I need it!

    Add me for support! :)
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    Oh but I see you're a mama that makes me so happy you are my inspiration <3
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Aww thanks! Don't be too hard on yourself, people that don't have any other problems develop PCOS. I can't say why. :( My PCOS was discovered only earlier this year, I have some scarring but I think with enough weightloss we can have another baby without too much trouble. Just hang in there and don't lose too much weight, I think your weight is perfectly healthy and would love to be that weight! :p
  • I have pcos too, did they give you meds? I take metformin and it does help with being able to lose weight. ALL of my symptoms go away when I'm at my ideal weight. I recently gained a bunch and all pcos symptoms came back full force.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I have pcos too, did they give you meds? I take metformin and it does help with being able to lose weight. ALL of my symptoms go away when I'm at my ideal weight. I recently gained a bunch and all pcos symptoms came back full force.

    I've never been told about metformin, what's it about? If you like, PM me, I'd like to know more because my weight is the sole source of all my health problems!
  • KBig14
    KBig14 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys, I'm also newly diagnosed PCOS cause we have been TTC and it's just not working :( it is really tough trying to lose weight and I know I'm never going to be my ideal weight but I'd be happy to be in the healhy range to be honest, or even just slightly overweight like BMI 26 or something. The important thing is to get ourselves into a place where we feel happy with who we are and how we feel, not just focusing on numbers and trying to diet forever!

    Metformin is a medication that they use in Type 2 diabetes; this is because PCOS is caused by an abnormality of insulin use in the body and is highly associated with insulin resistance. Basically, our bodies aren't using the insulin properly and the excess insulin attacks the ovaries and overstimulates them, so they produce too much testosterone causing the cysts and the other symptoms...well as far as I've read anyway! Metformin can help for the same reason it helps in Type 2 diabetes by helping to control insulin levels. That's why it's also important for us with PCOS to watch the sugar intake, cause too much sugar will cause blood sugar spikes, so insulin production increases to try reduce the blood sugar, and then we don't use the insulin properly so it makes the PCOS worse. This is also true of diet drinks btw. I think aspartame, the most commonly used sweetener, is much worse than just sugar, cause while there are no calories your body still expects to be receiving sugar so not only do we produce insulin which worsens the PCOS but we also experience a blood sugar dip and later cravings and hunger! This is why women with PCOS are at a really high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes at some stage, because we are already struggling to use insulin properly so if we keep taking in too much sugar eventually our bodies just give up trying to use insulin altogether.

    To be honest, diet and exercise are supposed to be just as effective as medication. Sounds like your weight isn't too high and you've certainly got a healthy diet and exercise plan on the go so I'd just stick with it and keep yourself healthy, don't give up cause what you're doing is going to benefit your body for years to come! Maybe switch up the exercise a bit, try doing something different now and again cause our bodies get used to doing the same thing all the time and just expect it. Like maybe high-intensity workouts once a week or something? I also read that weights and muscle workouts are good to stimulate the muscles to use insulin more successfully!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    OP you're one of the 'lucky' thinner cysters but it still sucks if you're having the other side effects.

    How tall are you? You're already at a very low weight so losing 6lbs probably won't achieve what you're wanting. Y advice is to look into weight lifting as this will give you a more toned look.
  • welcome to the club!

    i say this on every PCOS post: i think it takes us PCOS girls twice as long and we have to work twice as hard to lose weight compared to a 'normal' person!

    in the past i know that losing even a little weight significantly improves desired outcomes. i was diagnosed almost 10 years ago when my first husband and i couldn't conceive. we broke up (not because of that), i lost some weight (about 40-50 lbs. don't ask me how because i don't have a clue, i wish i did!) and then about a year later i met my now husband and after one unprotected time, BAM: preggo! took me like 2 months or so to figure out i was preggo, i thought it was just another missed period!
    fast forward 7 years and a total of 3 kids later!!! i have steadily gained weight after each pregnancy, putting me well past my original heaviest by about another 50 lbs!! now, all symptoms are back with a vengance and i'm finding it VERY hard to lose weight. (only 11 lbs in 60+ days! however, i have lost inches and went down a clothes size already!)

    many PCOS girls find a low carb diet the best for them. and especially LOW sugar!
    for example, i try to do 65% fat, 15% protein and 20% carbs. i also aim for 15g or less of sugar a day.
    i'm not saying i always follow that, but those macros i feel my best.

    another thing PCOS girls find the MOST helpful is strength training/weight lifting more than cardio.

    but remember, everyone is different, even PCOS girls. you just have to tweak things around until you find what works for yOU!

    feel free to add me, and anyone else too!
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    Im 5'3 I literally stopped eating from being so depressed and got down to 85 pounds !!!!! Gained it all back in 3 months but the funny thing is I got my periods every month ;( I deff am going to watch my sugar intake now & keep working out everyday :) alkaline diet works really well for this I heard ! I don't wanna take pills I wanna do it on my own for some reason but Jillian micheals & Victoria beckham both have pcos and even tho they have it so it's not impossible girls !!! <3
  • neekmichelle922
    neekmichelle922 Posts: 71 Member
    Oh thank you thank you ! I don't feel so alone anymore <3
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I don't think the difference between 120 and 112 is going to balance your hormones. 120 is within a healthy weight range for a person your size. What does your doctor say? With that said, women with PCOS produce too much insulin so eating lower carb and lower sugar can help.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I also have PCOS. I wasn't diagnosed till 2009 ( also pre-diabetic in 2009). Took metformin and watched my sugar/carbs. Lost 67 lbs in roughly 9 months ( from 243 lbs. to 176 lbs.) and surprise prego. I have one 16 yr. old. and one soon to be 3 yr. old.
    Now at soon to be 42 yrs. old I'm trying to lower my cholesterol without statins and get down to a healthy BMI. My sugar is good. Though I do tend to crave carbs and sugar.

    Try using the search option above; "Diets to help control PCOS symptoms" and you will see lots of people who may or may not be on metformin but are using methods such as Keto to control their PCOS symptoms and lose weight. Good luck.
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member

    many PCOS girls find a low carb diet the best for them. and especially LOW sugar!
    for example, i try to do 65% fat, 15% protein and 20% carbs. i also aim for 15g or less of sugar a day.
    i'm not saying i always follow that, but those macros i feel my best.

    another thing PCOS girls find the MOST helpful is strength training/weight lifting more than cardio.

    but remember, everyone is different, even PCOS girls. you just have to tweak things around until you find what works for yOU!

    feel free to add me, and anyone else too!

    You are dead on with this. Low(ish) carb and especially low sugar is the way to go.
  • I was diagnosed back in 2009 when we were TTC our second child. After having our first we were having trouble and I couldnt figure out why. I would go a couple of months without a period and have a negative pregnancy test. At first I went on the Metformin and was able to drop 10 lbs gained in my first pregnancy and was able to get pregnant rather quickly, with our twins. Fast forward five years and another kid later and I am starting to realize the complications that come with PCOS. Since we are done having kids I am ready to get my body back but am having a terrible time. I lost about 20 lbs from Christmas to March but gained it all back very quickly over the Summer. My hubby and I just finished the Advocare 24-Day Challenge that I hoped would jump start my progress and get me on the right track. I was upset because I worked so hard and hardly lost any weight. After reading a lot of articles about PCOS over the last week I think the problem is carbs and sugar. I think us PCOSers need to pay attention to the amount of carbs we are taking in as well as trying to stay on the low-glycemic index side of foods. I have read many success stories in my research of women who were struggling and once they kept and eye on their carbs and sugar were able to loose weight more steadily. I am trying to stay away from taking Metformin because I hate the metallic taste it leaves in my mouth and the other side effects. Just know that you can do it but it will take time. We have to be more diligent about loosing weight but we will have a huge victory when we have reached our goals!
  • I find at a lesser weight my PRO symptoms are better as well. I try not to take medications however Met for min is a good choice per research. PLUS causes us to lose weight slower also. I am happy to be on this journey because I want to get married and have babies in a year or so.