New Years Resoluations Everyone :)



  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    1. get back into the habit of logging, so that I don't slip backwards eating christmas cookies and candies all through january
    2. spend more time with hubby
    3. spend less time spending money...more time planning for the future! (now that i'm doing good things for myself, the future seems a little more important!)

    good luck with all your resolutions, everyone!!
  • Carolyne1
    I am going to complete my food diary EVERY day, and drink more fluid.
    Get both my knees operated on again so I can walk again without crutches or sticks.
    Have more me time.
    Plan A STAY CALM!!!!!!! plan B is stay calmer.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    1. Graduate with honors from university in June
    2. Meet my goal weight of 160 & maintain it throughout the year
    3. Create a budget & stick to it so my hubby & I can pay off our student loans!!!
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    1. Lose the last 25-30 lbs.
    2. Set a PR for half marathon of 1:45 (last time 1:57:15)
    3. This time train right for a full marathon and have a time of no longer than 4.5 hrs (last time I did not train and ran it; I cried)
    4. Tone up and be able to do 10 man style push ups with ease.
    5. Far, far, far goal--- being able to do one pull up.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    1.) read one chapter of the new testament each weekday
    2.) teach my children to pray more deliberately, and pray more purposefully for my children
    3.) spend 30 minutes a day PLAYING with my kids (board games, card games, wii, outside)
    4.) make time for my vanity everyday, including using a face moisturizer, wearing mascara and exercising at least 20 minutes
    5.) call my brother and sister once a week, leaving a message for them counts
    6.) write a letter (or card) once a month and MAIL it to my grandpa
    7.) run (without walking) a 15k with my friend nicole on march 27
    8.) make 2 nights a week be meatless meals by may 30
    9.) finish painting the dining room (with new wainscoting) by july 30
    10.) take a 'girl's vacation' with just my mom, sister and sister-in-law by september 30
    11.) be pregnant or start adoption process
    12.) release clutter/simplify
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    1) Save money
    2) Be debt free (including my husbands debt)
    3) Maintain my weight loss (incorporate various different workouts)
    4) Cook at least 3 times a week
    5) Pack lunch more often
    6) Go on vacation once my husband returns in the Fall