Stress Management and Diet

Well hello,

When it comes to diet, the thing that throws me off the most is my stress and anxiety levels. When I'm stressed out or feeling overwhelmed and anxious my willpower is zero and I go straight for the sugar, greasy fats and artificials to make myself feel better. Of course this perpetuates my stress levels further as 1. I feel guitly and 2. poor diet is directly correlated with mood managment (i.e. sugar and greasy fats actually mess with your hormones). I'm not talking about 1 chocolate bar in these situations, I mean every meal and snack is a poor choice nutrition-wise.

Anyone else out there who has difficulty managing stress and anxiety in their busy lives have techniques and coping strategies to keep diet on track? Better yet is there anyone who could be my MFP friend and encourage me when I'm finding things difficult (I'll do the same in return!). Halp pls!


  • Shoptawbx
    Shoptawbx Posts: 2 Member
    Fill up on vegetables before you eat the comfort food. You will be full on the good stuff, but still have just enough of the bad stuff to make you feel better about life. I am one that tends to eat my feelings as well. You can add me if you want.