why am I not losing weight? ?



  • 55044TeamJoy
    55044TeamJoy Posts: 134 Member
    Rather than looking purely at the scale. Start taking body measurements as well. That will explain quite a bit. You could be seeing inches fall off but weight staying the same since muscle is more dense than fat.
  • 55044TeamJoy
    55044TeamJoy Posts: 134 Member
    Also, increase the amount of water you drink each day.
  • andremegan11
    I appreciate all feed back. I'm going grocery shopping this morning.
  • andremegan11
    Rather than looking purely at the scale. Start taking body measurements as well. That will explain quite a bit. You could be seeing inches fall off but weight staying the same since muscle is more dense than fat.

    I did notice when I put on a certain outfit this morning it fit way better than last time.
  • Shaquana2
    This is definitely challenge. It's a lifestyle change so from experience. Work on one thing at a time. More water, Healthier choices, portion control, then add in some exercise. You just don't cut everything all at once. In the long run it helps the change forever not just a quick fix. I can also say. Whatever you do DON'T EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES BACK....... My motto is "One good habit leads to another good habit. It starts with you. I as soon as you lay off of the fast food you will feel so much better. We all know that it's really easy to go to a drive thru and it's quick but it has it's downfalls. Cooking at home is better and you have control over the carbs, proteins, fats, etc. And your children would pick up the healthy eating along the way. Everybody benefits from this. I didn't cook because i thought it was better budget wise because it's only me. But i rather pay more and feel better than pay less and feel horrible(sluggish) and take some time and make my meals. Even though you get grilled chicken from McDonalds it still has ALOT of sodium in it. I hope this helps. You can do it and i wish you luck. And oh yea patience is a virtue. lol
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    It is possible that since u r working out a lot ur body may be turning ur fat into muscle which does weigh more. This process is nothing to be worried about just be patient. Like I said it is possible I'm no doctor


    Not from walking. Not this fast. Just...no
  • Tmarie160
    Same here I have been trying to lose wieght for a long time now. My weight goes up and down and I'm a diabetic so it's so hard to lose the weight.... You can do it keep up the good work and never give up... :)
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    Keep at it. I swear I have the metabolism of a snail. It has ALWAYS (since my twenties) taken me 4-6 weeks on a diet and exercise program to start seeing any change on the scale. Once I hit that mark it usually starts to come off. It is frustrating as all get out, but it will happen, just keep at it. I swear I would survive a famine, I would be cranky but I think I would survive, LOL:)
  • Tmarie160
    Same here I have been trying to lose wieght for a long time now. My weight goes up and down and I'm a diabetic so it's so hard to lose the weight.... You can do it keep up the good work and never give up... :)
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    This is definitely challenge. It's a lifestyle change so from experience. Work on one thing at a time. More water, Healthier choices, portion control, then add in some exercise. You just don't cut everything all at once. In the long run it helps the change forever not just a quick fix. I can also say. Whatever you do DON'T EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES BACK....... My motto is "One good habit leads to another good habit. It starts with you. I as soon as you lay off of the fast food you will feel so much better. We all know that it's really easy to go to a drive thru and it's quick but it has it's downfalls. Cooking at home is better and you have control over the carbs, proteins, fats, etc. And your children would pick up the healthy eating along the way. Everybody benefits from this. I didn't cook because i thought it was better budget wise because it's only me. But i rather pay more and feel better than pay less and feel horrible(sluggish) and take some time and make my meals. Even though you get grilled chicken from McDonalds it still has ALOT of sodium in it. I hope this helps. You can do it and i wish you luck. And oh yea patience is a virtue. lol

    Umm no.... please if you are using MFP's NEAT method for calories than eat at least 1/2 of your exercise calroies back.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    You said you aren't weighing your food so that's most likely the reason why you aren't losing like you expected to. Start weighing everything that passes your lips and making sure you use the correct MFP database entries (there are lots of errors there; cross-check with Google). Try that for a few weeks and see what happens.
  • Debsicles2014
    Im having the same issue!!!!! OK so I'm new here but I'm on week 2 of my "journey". I'm busting my butt on the treadmill 6 days a week. Eating right and after 1 week I GAINED 3 lbs!!!!!! Ughhhhhh I wanted to cry my eyes out when I seen those numbers! So the only thing I can think of is that I was drinking way too little water. I'm trying to drink 8 to 10 cups a day now. Hoping it will make a difference.

    I'm feeling so defeated. And I'm afraid to gain anymore lbs!!!
  • margarita344
    How To Lose Weight !!

    Try Out

  • andremegan11
    I drink a gallon of water a day. But my weakness is fast food because it is so much more convenient. I never thought to weigh my food, But I appreciate all tips and advice! I created a facebook page a while back where I post about my weight loss. It's called "journey to lose 100 lbs" I would love some encouragement on the page. And tips and advice. You guys are awesome!
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    I just posted about the same thing, it's so frustrating and it getting me down! Makes me feel like giving up!