HELP? I don't understand?



  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    That doesn't seam correct to me. From talking to a doc and a personal trainer the info I got, was eat my set calorie goal. Try not to eat my exercise calories.
    Your car example doesn't work. A car doesn't have extra fuel hidden else where besides the tank like a person does.
    After my body burns it's 1300 daily calorie goal, it then goes to my reserves of fat, it will break that fat down and use it as fuel. This is what you want.
    I honestly don't like how they have that set up cause then it makes people think they should eat more.

    I'm the same, it depends on personal psychology. I see many people exercising to "get more food" which for me is just a waste of time and probably money. If I do a bit of exercise I tend to bank the benefit for weight loss, not stick my head in the trough.

    So what your saying is that on someone who runs 10 miles a day should eat the same as a couch potato if their calorie goal is the same?
    That's a bit like saying I am going to put 5 litres of fuel in my car to do 2 miles but not anymore than that to do 25. Its a waste of time and money!!!

    Were the doc and trainer discussing NEAT or TDEE calories? It matters. One includes exercise, the other doesn't (hence, NON EXERCISE Activity Thermogenesis)

    Since nobody mentioned either. We can only assume that the MFP way, is the way it is being done.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    That doesn't seam correct to me. From talking to a doc and a personal trainer the info I got, was eat my set calorie goal. Try not to eat my exercise calories.
    Your car example doesn't work. A car doesn't have extra fuel hidden else where besides the tank like a person does.
    After my body burns it's 1300 daily calorie goal, it then goes to my reserves of fat, it will break that fat down and use it as fuel. This is what you want.
    I honestly don't like how they have that set up cause then it makes people think they should eat more.

    I'm the same, it depends on personal psychology. I see many people exercising to "get more food" which for me is just a waste of time and probably money. If I do a bit of exercise I tend to bank the benefit for weight loss, not stick my head in the trough.

    So what your saying is that on someone who runs 10 miles a day should eat the same as a couch potato if their calorie goal is the same?
    That's a bit like saying I am going to put 5 litres of fuel in my car to do 2 miles but not anymore than that to do 25. Its a waste of time and money!!!

    Were the doc and trainer discussing NEAT or TDEE calories? It matters. One includes exercise, the other doesn't (hence, NON EXERCISE Activity Thermogenesis)

    Since nobody mentioned either. We can only assume that the MFP way, is the way it is being done.

    No, one could ask for clarification since the techniques are so different. NEAT is not the default system for expressing metabolic rates and associated caloric burn.