The beginning...

Just a few days shy of Christmas and I'm beginning... Good idea? Doubtful! I'm not looking forward to the delicious spreads laid out before me for lunch at my mother's.

Regardless of THAT day, here I am! Starting at 135kg (do the math for lbs if you want... i think its ABOUT 270). For a very long time, It has been my ambition to not be 'that fat guy'... Over the last year or two, i've filled that role perfectly. Turning from a chubby 100kg, to an enormous... well, whatever I am. I'm aiming for a whopping 45-50kg loss... I'm hoping to get back to a fitness level where i'm comfortable to take off my top at the beach!

But I'm turning things around from today. From today I'm going to start making the change. I'm going to stop eating KFC because it's the easy thing to do, i'm going to stop skipping breakfast and ruining my metabolism, i'm going to start going for a walk a few times a week and i'm going to start living!

I'm guilty of being the guy that sits around all day on the computer. I will admit that I'm not 100% changing that, because THAT is who I am and THAT is the part of myself that I don't want to lose. I enjoy playing my computer games and I enjoy watching movies... counter to that, I don't enjoy wheezing as i climb the stairs, I don't enjoy the chafing I get from walking a few hundred meters down the road and I REALLY don't enjoy always feeling like ('scuse the french) total crap!

So, yeah... things will change!!!

Anyway, this is me introducing myself into the community. As i've never been terrific at trying to lose weight (try as i may) I may be looking towards you guys for some assistance and guidance, possibly even some encouragement when my moral gets low. I hope you guys may help me navigate my way through the maze that is weight loss! I would like to give a large 'Thank You' in advance to everyone that may help me on my way, and also a large 'Congrats!' to everyone who has used this site to make their weight loss goals come true!

So yeah.... Hi people! :)


  • ladybuggirls07
    ladybuggirls07 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi!... I started using this site 4 days before Thanksgiving... and I think that was the right move because I was soooo intent on keeping my calories within range that I didn't go back for seconds and I only had half of my desert... True, I did go over my calories for the day, but, NOTHING like what I would have with out this site... And I logged while I was eating, so I could have it right in front of me how much I could spare... I totally love this site and wish you tons of luck!!
  • jsnyder7087
    I just started using this too. and Im loving it already. I love to know how many calories ive burned and how many eaten. Hope we can all be successful!!! Good luck