My stomach doesn't like greens.

This is an embarrassing post. -_-

I do have digestive tract illness that has been diagnosed (diagnosed before I became overweight)...but I'm not sure if this is because of that or not.

In any case, every time I eat greens (broccoli, brussel sprouts, snow peas (usually it's a bag of a mix of these things)etc) I spend a good part of the day in the bathroom (in a most unpleasant, painful, and "loose" way). So sorry for the detail.

It doesn't matter if I eat them in small quantities throughout the day...the "end result" is the same (pardon the pun).

Are there any foods or liquids that I can drink *with* the vegetables that are known to prevent this from happening or at least lessen it?

I'd prefer to stay the heck away from any over-the-counter 'firmers', as I'm already on enough medication and really don't want to mess with that.

I really *like* greens a *lot*...they just disagree with me.

Thank you in advance, and I apologize if the subject matter grossed anyone out.

I've left a message on my GE's voicemail regarding this, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask here also.
