Needs advice!!

Hi my names Heather and I was wondering if anyone can email me some ideas for workouts I can do at home. I dont have the money to buy anything so I was wondering if you know something that is effective and can keep me on task!!?? :heart: Feel free to add me!


  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hey there :bigsmile:

    If you take a peek on youtube you will find tons of variety to chose from or if you have any exercize channels on the TV :flowerforyou:

    Other than that try squats, situps, use bottles of water for weights etc ... even use the stairs at home there are cheaper/free options you just need to be creative :smile:

    If all else fails I walk everyday it's free and gets me loads of fresh air lol :bigsmile:
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I agree with the YouTube comment above, but if you can spare $10, Walmart has some great videos in their fitness department. I got the Dancing with the Stars DVD for $8.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587

    Honestly I have a huge floor to ceiling mirror in my room, and whenever I feel sluggish or unattractive or lazy, I blast some sexy music and dance like no one's watching (no one is watching, so its okay LOL) .. I don't log the calories, but I usually do break a sweat and I just feel so much better about myself. It's a lot easier to not hate on your curves when you constantly remind yourself how good they can look ;)
  • monoxidechick
    If you have netflix they have some workout videos on instant watch also.

    I also like to just turn up some music with some good beats and dance, jump around, and go crazy!! Works best when you are alone, but I have got my husband to dance around like a crazy fool with me a few times. I have not done this for a while, I think it is time to try it again. Also warms me up in my cold apartment!!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Oh yea, youtube is the way to go. Also check out scoobysnetwork. Get into running or walking. Jumping jacks are effective. You could always go on ebay they have alot of really cheap workout dvds and all kinds of stuff. It's way cheaper than online cost. Like I got the P90X for only around $85 instead of $130. But def. get some resistant bands which are next to nothing money wise. Especially since the cheapest you can get weights are like ****s sporting goods for around 78 cents a lb. and that really adds up. So just do resistant exercise in place of weight training which is also very effective. Lunges, squats and pushups are all "free" and easy to do.
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hahaha yeah those are very good ideas! Maybe I'll ask for some video's for christmas :D I think its good to look at yourself in the mirror because even if you dont like the way you look its better to accept it. I have a few ideas from a past fitness class I took and I'm trying to get my sister to work out with me because i've lost all my motivation :( thanks for the advice guys!!:heart:
  • leastwood
    Turn on the music and dance. Dance till you droip! I don't think there is anything more fun!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    As others said, if you have On Demand, Netflix, etc, there are tons of video options available. FitTV is a cable station you might have too (mine's channel 222, not sure how consistent that is across the country).

    If you're looking for *which* videos to do, that depends on your fitness level. I started working out, after years of doing nothing, with the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It's 3 20 minute workouts that will beat you up and make you feel awesome at the same time. When I started them, I couldn't use any weights, or do any pushups. Withiin a week or two, I had to add weights to feel anything, and I was doing full pushups. There are tons of threads on here for people doing this program (Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days, Level 3 for 10 days). It's an amazing jump start and for a lot of people, just the motivation they need to continue.

    I've since added her other videos, and any kickboxing workout I can find (kickboxing burns 10-11 calories/minute for me...huge burn!)
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    you can download workout videos too