Ovulation and weight gain



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I start gaining before ovulation and it goes downhill from there until the end of my period. I now stop weighing 10 days after the end of my period, lol.
  • masterloafer
    masterloafer Posts: 16 Member
    However I weighed myself recently and I'm only a few days away from period, I gained half a lb. So I'm putting that down to ovulation.
    Ovulation is 14 days before your period starts.
    What day a person ovulates completely depends on the person's cycle length and will vary person to person within that. Some people naturally have a standard 28 day cycle, others are shorter and others longer and it can be different month to month for some women too. Thats why the rhythm method of birth control is as faulty as it is.

    You know your body best. Hang in there!
  • jdleanna
    jdleanna Posts: 141 Member
    However I weighed myself recently and I'm only a few days away from period, I gained half a lb. So I'm putting that down to ovulation.
    Ovulation is 14 days before your period starts.
    What day a person ovulates completely depends on the person's cycle length and will vary person to person within that. Some people naturally have a standard 28 day cycle, others are shorter and others longer and it can be different month to month for some women too. Thats why the rhythm method of birth control is as faulty as it is.

    You know your body best. Hang in there!

    Just fyi, ovulation occurs well before your period begins regardless the length of a woman's cycle. The variation in cycle length comes from the first half of your cycle (first day of your period to ovulation....not from ovulation to beginning of period). But that aside, weight gain a few days before a period is totally normal. That's just part of PMS for some of us.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Happens to a lot of women around TOM. Some more than others. I would suggest weighing yourself only once a week to avoid feeling discouraged about it. It can be hard to see the number on the scale creep up, even if you know logically it's because of TOM. If it really bugs you, look at the past 2-3 month's worth of weight entries on a graph. If you can draw a line from the start to the end and it's going down, you're fine, even with weight fluctuations.
  • Elysiaaa21
    Elysiaaa21 Posts: 5 Member
    For me I gain about 5-10lbs. I try not to take my weight to heart during these times. The best time to weigh yourself is about 6/7 days after your period is finished, in the morning after your first trip to the bathroom.

    Stay strong
  • hybridtheory45
    hybridtheory45 Posts: 84 Member
    I gain 3-4 pounds during ovulation, but nothing during my period. It freaked me out the first month I had been doing MFP, but weighing daily has allowed me to see the pattern around my ovulation and realize its just hormonal.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited August 2016
    However I weighed myself recently and I'm only a few days away from period, I gained half a lb. So I'm putting that down to ovulation.
    Ovulation is 14 days before your period starts.
    What day a person ovulates completely depends on the person's cycle length and will vary person to person within that. Some people naturally have a standard 28 day cycle, others are shorter and others longer and it can be different month to month for some women too. Thats why the rhythm method of birth control is as faulty as it is.

    You know your body best. Hang in there!
    I know this is an old thread, but I feel the need to reply, and CLARIFY, since I'm still seeing new likes and other activity on the thread. And, well, it's asked all the time.

    YES what day a person ovulates on is variable. The time from ovulation to period (the luteal phase) is generally 14 days. With very little variation. Maybe 1-2 days. THAT was my point. I had a 24 day cycle. 14 days from Ovulation to period. Someone with a 28 day cycle would also have roughly 14 days from ovulation to period. Assuming they are regular, ovulating, with no luteal phase defect. The LUTEAL PHASE really doesn't vary much. The FIRST part, the follicular phase, varies a great deal.