See what I mean they all approach nutrition

See what I mean they all approach nutrition differently claim to be the next best thing but it's impossible for that to ever bathe case because the information in these books do not apply specifically to you or your body type I mean it makes sense right think about said this person really Vitafirm have the exact same nutrition plan as this percent or said this person really be eating the same way as this person we are all different and weal have different nutritional needs to maximize our fat loss you see the number one problem killing your fat loss is the generic information you've been following truth generic plans produced in Eric results ask any knowledgeable fitness professional and they'll tell you the same thing here are a few reasons why generic plans always fail you and your expectations 1 they are not truly customized for you they may pretend to be but they don’t want to just nutrition for you your age await your height your metabolism or your body type for example any time you see a rounded off 2,000 calorie meal plan you know you're not getting anything personalize for you your body type or your goal to because they use outdated science taker barges for example carbohydrates react remarkably differently in all the various body types I'm sorry for sources say cards are evil and.