diet plan I mean do you have any suggestions for

diet plan I mean do you have any suggestions for com like with what should we do to in little girl's line %um from $0.13 13 you start getting focus Vitafirm but is there something you can do with your daughters are you know even fun to Taylor you know their eating habits when they're when they become teenagers what you have to do is you need to start them off from birth and I didn't give my kids choice I'm when they were born you walk through the pregnancy got the pregnancy you can drink nested uses you can he holds me know it seems healthy choices celery apples carrots beans you can eat these things I'm once the kids get here don't give them a choice like allow parents only he doesn't like that you are straining your kids and you trying to shape the mold them for world that's really not really caring I'm how they gonna turn down and it turns out the day the diets that the kids are eating I really causing I'm this next year damn ADHD you know the diets on a diets you have the train your kids from children you have the force healthy choices on a min you know not really force the Mideast on young they gonna gravitates awarded.