How to exercise without waking up at 5 AM



  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Monday- off TIME TO WORK OUT
    Tuesday- 8am-6pm TIME TO WORK OUT
    Wednesday- 8am-10pm
    Thursday- 1pm-9pm
    Friday- off TIME TO WORK OUT
    Saturday 8am-7pm
    Sunday- 8am-6pm TIME TO WORK OUT

    I see lots of time.

    I also see the Thursday before noon Time to Work Out. You wouldn't even have to get up at 4:40AM! :) Good luck! Remember, a little goes a long way. So even if you do an hour on the days you have off and Thursday, then like 1/2 hour of good movement on the Sunday and Tuesdays, you'll get some good calorie burn.
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    Monday- off - Wake up at the time you would usually go to work and work out instead.
    Tuesday- 8am-6pm
    Wednesday- 8am-10pm
    Thursday- 1pm-9pm - Wake up at the time you would usually go to work and work out instead.
    Friday- off - Wake up at the time you would usually go to work and work out instead.
    Saturday 8am-7pm
    Sunday- 8am-6pm

    There you go, three days with minimal change to your existing schedule.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Looking at your schedule, I don't understand the question.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Monday- off - EXERCISE
    Tuesday- 8am-6pm - EXERCISE AFTER WORK
    Wednesday- 8am-10pm - REST DAY
    Thursday- 1pm-9pm - EXERCISE BEFORE WORK
    Friday- off - EXERCISE
    Saturday 8am-7pm - EXERCISE AFTER WORK OR REST DAY
    Sunday- 8am-6pm - EXERCISE AFTER WORK

    Sorry, not yelling, just wanted to make it easy to read. Look at all that free time you have! 3 times a week of exercise is enough (especially for someone who has a standing job), so with your two off days you only have to work in one more.

    A workout DVD at home is a great way to fit in evening exercise without much extra wasted time, you just change, pee, and exercise! No travel time and you can do it while dinner is cooking.
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    I get up at 4:45 am during the week. On three of those days, I go for an early morning bike ride. I think the important part is to figure out where your regular exercise will fit in. You have to budget the time or you will never find it. That is why I go on early morning bike rides. After you have your regular exercise schedule working, you can add additional activities that get you moving. For myself, my wife and a good friend of mine go biking at a leisurely pace on Saturday mornings. On Sunday morning, my wife and I will go for a long walk. If the weather is good, I sneak in extra bike rides in the early evenings.

    Another idea is to add movement into your regular day. Park the car further from the door and that will add some movement into the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Etc... Some time the little add-on movement adds up to a win for the day.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Monday- off - Wake up at the time you would usually go to work and work out instead.
    Tuesday- 8am-6pm
    Wednesday- 8am-10pm
    Thursday- 1pm-9pm - Wake up at the time you would usually go to work and work out instead.
    Friday- off - Wake up at the time you would usually go to work and work out instead.
    Saturday 8am-7pm
    Sunday- 8am-6pm

    There you go, three days with minimal change to your existing schedule.

    This was going to be my exact response. You probably only need to workout 3 days a week, and you already have 2 days off. So the next logical choice would be Thursday, when you only work 8 hours and have the whole morning off. You could sleep in until 9, get in an hour workout, and still have time for a leisurely lunch before you had to be into work.
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    I don't have the same type of schedule as you but my boyfriend's is very similar. He works 6 days a week, generally 8 hour days with a half hour "lunch" that he usually needs to work through and inhale a sandwich when he has 5 minutes. He runs immediately after work just around his store for like 20 mins, he stops after 10 mins, does some push ups, sit ups, etc.. then runs another 10 mins and heads home afterwards. He does this about 4-5 days a week so it is an option and it wouldn't get you home much later on the days you're working until 6-7pm. On your off days you could run around your neighborhood, go to a local high school and run on their track, on Thursday when you don't start until 1pm you can do an at home work out video or something. There are lots of options out there.

    It's about making time where you can and doing something feasible for your own goals.
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    What do you do when you get home from work? Do you go straight to bed? Most likely, no...except maybe on Wednesdays.

    If you aren't going straight to bed, you have time to workout. If you have time to sit and watch TV, you have time to workout.

    I'm a full time employee, have a toddler, husband, dog and a house to take care of, but I still have time to workout. I get up every morning at 5, get dressed, drive an hour into work (sometimes longer) to be there at 7:30. I get an hour lunch break, so I usually hit the treadmill or elliptical for 30-45 minutes before eating. After work, I have an hour drive (or longer) back home. Get home, cook, clean the kitchen, get laundry going, take care of the dog, give the kid a bath, lay him down for bed, THEN I go walk for an hour, sometimes more.

    I may not have any relaxing time, but I have time to get a workout in. I do this day in and day out unless the weather doesn't permit a walk. Even then, I do Zumba DVDs to get some activity in. Does it suck? Sometimes. Are my days long? Extremely. Is my house clean? Not always. But I have weekends off and clean up then.

    I'm going to say this, not to be mean, but to make you think honestly about your situation. It sounds like you are making excuses to NOT exercise and hoping others will agree with you. I get not wanting to wake up early...I don't want to wake up before 5 either. But if you have time to do other things when you get off of work, then you have time to exercise. You are just choosing not to.

    If you watch an hour of TV when you get home, but don't want to exercise for an hour, then run in place on commercials, or do push ups, or jump rope, or skip, hop, do jumping jacks. You still get to watch TV, and you still get exercise in. There is always a way, you just have to want to do it.

    My advice: Find something you enjoy doing and you will find time to do it. Maybe you like swimming? Go get some laps in. Maybe you like riding a bike? Ride to and from work if you live close enough. Like walking, but live in a sketchy neighborhood? Do laps in your backyard along the property line. Just stop making excuses and do it. You will feel much better afterwards!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Even if you worked 12 hours a day, you can FIND 30 minutes to work out any time of each day. Just have to want to do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • stefaniella
    You could do Yoga for about 30 mins/day and get a decent workout at home... or anywhere, really. All you need is a Yoga mat.
  • stefaniella
    Here's a really great Yoga video that I use...
  • ddawn215
    At home workout int he morning is a no go as my boyfriend and I live in a studio apartment and he's a cranky person if you wake him up. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I haven't checked my topics in a while.

    Also, I feel a little weird about everybody's comments. Almost like I'm being judged or looked down upon for not feeling like doing any exercise. Right now I'm working 7 days a week. 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week and I'm exhausted. How do I even begin to want to wake up even a half hour early when I already have to wake up at 6 AM daily and don't get home until about 9.

    I don't have television, so don't give me the whole sitting in front of a TV thing. I do stretches and about ten minutes of yoga every single morning because that's something I can silently do without waking anybody up. Also, we I don;t get lunch breaks. Not sure if I told you that. I work commission only, so legally I don't have to be allotted a lunch break.

    Wake up at 5 to workout or go to work every single day when I get home at 10 and I haven't had a bite to eat all day because I've worked on 22 clients back to back? Sure, I'll get right on that. Doesn't everybody deserve one day off at some point?
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    I hope I didn't cause offence. It wasn't my intention to pass judgement on your lifestyle.

    However, there are opportunities for you to work out. And if you're constantly tired, starting them may well help you feel more energised through your (admittedly long) working days.

    Just try it for a couple of months. You'll see. :smile:
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Options need to call the labour board and mention you are working from 8am - 6pm with no lunch break/coffee breaks. That is how you get your workout in!
  • ddawn215
    It's okay, I just felt like I was being accused of something for some reason. I don't feel comfortable running during the day near where I work or around my apartment. I live in Pittsburgh, and work downtown. Even though it's safe, I'm just not comfortable with hearing the things that people have always shouted at me. So I like to silently, and privately work out without over exhausting myself.
  • ddawn215
    Commission only. I'm not hourly. If a client needs in, a client gets in. Plain and simple. Welcome to the salon :D

    edit: Sunday I had 6 wedding parties to get through. I did 16 services in the matter of 6.5 hours. I didn't get to use the restroom, eat a bite of anything, or get a drink of anything.

    So note to self, next time you all go to a salon, be nice to your hairdresser :P She probably hasn't eaten in a few hours.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    Commission only. I'm not hourly. If a client needs in, a client gets in. Plain and simple. Welcome to the salon

    Welcome to all self-employment. If I don't work I don't get paid either. But then, I could not go to work if I wanted, or even go to work on my own. So there's advantages.

    But whatever, you can work out. Maybe not on your longest days, but not all of them are like the ones you give examples of.

    Go on, try it! :smile:
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    You have my sympathy.
    I work 11-12 hour days myself. I take no breaks (my choice, otherwise it would just add to my time at work). Most weekends, I go in to work for at least 4 hours.
    I will be 63 on September 30th. I get up at 2 am to go into work (I have a 45 minute commute one way) to use the gym (free for the employees) M-F before I begin my work day. I go for long walks in the rolling hills of our woods on days I have off and in the evenings after work. Yes, I am exhausted, but I need to do this for myself and make the time. I will admit, that it is a less than ideal situation, but it is the best I can do with the time I have. I do go to bed very early, usually I am asleep by 8 p.m.
    You have to find a plan that works for yourself.
    When there is the will, you will find a way.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    There's some pretty fun workouts for the Wii (Zumba, Dance workouts etc). Good way to get the workout in when ever you want, even late at night etc. Works for me anyhow.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    This is good - I added to it...
    Monday- off - EXERCISE (no excuses here)
    Tuesday- 8am-6pm - EXERCISE AFTER WORK (or before)
    Wednesday- 8am-10pm - REST DAY (or not)
    Thursday- 1pm-9pm - EXERCISE BEFORE WORK (yep)
    Friday- off - EXERCISE (no excuses here)
    Saturday 8am-7pm - EXERCISE AFTER WORK OR REST DAY (or before)
    Sunday- 8am-6pm - EXERCISE AFTER WORK (or before)

    ...but for me, most of the time:

    I get up M-F at 4:30 and ride my elliptical for 45 minutes.
    Do I like it? Not particularly.
    Is it hard? Usually.
    Is it worth it? Absolutely. By knocking it out first thing, then it's done for the day. If I add something later, double kudos for me.

    Your body becomes used to waking up early, so on your days off - get up and do something. No excuses. You'll eventually get used to it and may even actually learn to enjoy it. Shake it up, don't just do one thing. On my days off, I get my exercise by being outdoors as much as possible.

    Good luck on getting your motivation on! :flowerforyou: :happy:

    {Thanks to _HeartsOnFire for some of your post that I borrowed and modified to make mine...}