SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Christmas (!?!)

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    How on earth is it possible that it's five days until Christmas, and 11 days until 2011? Seriously, how?

    Anyways...fairly big goals until Christmas day this week...(we're traveling on Christmas day this year)

    I'm trying to get four dance workouts in (one will have to be at home) and one yoga in. 8500 hundred steps a day, averaged. My schedule will most likely be too busy the few days we're back in the states to get any working out in.

    Also, continue to eat lots of fruits/veg. I'm feeling very dehydrated, so extra water, too. (the only bonus of being dehydrated is that I sleep through the night/don't have to get up to pee). I'm trying to find the balance between hydrated and too hydrated.:drinker:

    Other than that, brain work every day until Christmas day, then a week off from thinking. I'm just trying to get one more revision out of the current paper before the new year. I also have to submit some proposals for conferences. Fun! (not really).

    So, it's Dancing M,W,R and T.

    The year is winding down/the new year is winding up, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I know, V, I can't believe it's almost Christmas or the New Year. 2010 has been a blur, much like 2009 was. We spent all of 2010 waiting. It could seem like a wasted year but the waiting periods are often when we have our biggest spiritual growths. So I hope I grew a lot this year. Sure feels like it. I had a lot of growing pains. I was absolutely positive at the beginning of the year that we would have another child by Christmas. When I realized it wasn't going to happen I was heart broken. But when I look at Alex and see what a miracle child he is, then it's okay. When I look at him and the child God blessed me with, I feel that I don't need any more kids. But there is still the promise that God made to give me more kids, so I hold on to that.
    Anyway, :smile: . Don't know if you all saw my post on FB that Steve took me to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! It was pretty awesome! I really didn't know what to expect, but I loved it. I am big into electric guitars and guys with long hair, headbanging (swinging around their beautiful hair!). :laugh: I'm a dork, so what? I really did enjoy it. What a light show too. Wow!
    I am still pretty sick, though getting better slowly. Didn't get much sleep last night. Between my coughing and Steve's sniffling, I finally had to move to the couch. The sudaphed keeps me awake too.
    Goals for this week: get Christmas stuff done and keep the house clean. That is all. I would like to get some walking in (especially since it's going to be in the 70's this week!), but we'll see how much energy I have after making about 60 sugar cookies (most of which will go away) and frosting them, and then getting ready for travel. I was planning on doing a few more days of school this week because Alex is a little more behind than I wanted but you know what? I homeschool him. It's okay! :smile:
    Goals for today: start cookies, finish Christmas shopping, clean up the upstairs, laundry, and see if Steve wants to go walk and look at Christmas lights tonight. :)

    Seven swans a-swimming boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    A walk to see Christmas lights sounds great!

    My husband did an awesome job on the Christmas card. I'm printing them out now and plan on getting them in the mail today or tomorrow. I sent one to those I'm connected with on FB and here.

    Goals for this week: Teach 4 classes, clean the house (missed this yesterday), deliver gifts to old folks, write paper, gift wrap for the shelter, eat well, get a walk in each day (alternating uphill days, watching an engaging miniseries, so shouldn't be a problem), and figure out any last minute gifts we need to get. Food wise - ease up on the desserts, stay away from fudge in fridge.

    To do list, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Something must be wrong with me. I made 105 sugar cookies today and I was not tempted to eat even one! Not one! That's never happened! That was a lot of cookies, but it really didn't take that long. Tomorrow I will ice them and then stick them in the freezer. These are the only cookies I have made that you can eat out of the freezer and they are still moist, just cold. I think the icing colors changed a little but that was it. I hope they hold up until Friday evening! I'm a little nervous about it. They are gifts for people.
    I also made some really cute Christmas bowls today for the cookies. I'll try to take pics and post on FB. I also finished all my Christmas shopping. So it was a successful day! I have strangely had a lot of energy today. I guess my body finally decided enough was enough! Poor Steve, he's really sick. I didn't get that bad. :frown: Usually I am the one that's sick for weeks and feels horrible. He's been home for about 2 hours and has gone through 1/4 box of tissues.
    I need to wrap some presents and then I am done for the day. Hoping for some much needed sleep tonight!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Wow - Merry Christmas week, everybody! It's hard to believe. What a year this has been. We started going around yesterday delivering our chocolate covered pretzels to people. They turned out pretty well. We made 4 kinds: dark chocolate with peanuts, dark chocolate with toffee bits, dark chocolate with peppermint, and white chocolate with peppermint. I like the peppermint ones best. :wink: It was nice to see some friends, and nice that they were happy to see us. (that might sound silly, but I am often too shy to call my own friends who I have known for years. I know this is dumb. :ohwell:)

    Still struggling to find a workout plan. Part of my problem is that my whole approach towards fitness has been pushing myself, pushing myself, pushing myself. Going to the gym to walk on the the treadmill because I can't run and I can't dance just doesn't feel like enough. I don't feel good about myself for working out; I feel good about myself for pushing myself. But pushing myself now just results in my ankle hurting, so I know it's not the right thing to do. I just have no motivation for anything else! I have several days off between now and the end of the year, though, so I am going to try and reflect and figure which way to go.

    Sarah, sorry this can be a tough time of year. I like your movie plan - go to one with stadium seats and take a few laps up the stairs in between the shows. :wink: I'd like to see Black Swan, and I was thinking I might as well catch up on Harry Potter - seems like a good plan for a long weekend.

    Lunar eclipse solstice, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    "I am often too shy to call my own friends who I have known for years." CP, Steve and I are the same way. Neither one of us like to talk on the phone, even to people we know. :laugh: We get irritated with each other because it's such an ordeal. We're high maintenance. What else can I say?

    I don't know if the sudaphed wore off and that's why I am tired this morning, or if the lack of sleep is catching up with me or both. I certainly don't have the energy I had yesterday. Which is unfortunate because today is going to be busy. Horse therapy this morning and then icing cookies. I think the cookies will take all afternoon at least. Especially if I want them to look nice. I'm taking some to three neighbors, two of which I never talk to (goes along with the phone shyness) but they are my immediate neighbors so I should do something. :wink: Some are going to friends, and some are going to relatives.
    Goals today: not to eat out (I even made lunch this morning and got dinner in the crock pot to prevent this), and eat only one cookie if I so desire. Right now I do not desire it which is a shocker but it's a good thing.
    Because I haven't worked out the scale is going down. It was bouncing back and forth between 154.5 and 155. I haven't seen 154 in probably a year. At least I know I am not eating that much, but I don't like the fact that it's going down probably because I'm not gaining muscle. Makes me sad. I think after this weekend I will feel better and have time to get back to it. I'll try to focus more on just moving a lot more for now.
    I'm chatty.
    Need to wake up boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Up too late last night, got up too late this morning. Had dinner/drinks with a friend last night, who I enjoy talking to v. much...then it was late, the bottle of wine was a slow start this a.m.

    Today's goals are: Yoga, walking for Christmas shopping, cleaning my bathroom. That seems like enough...Oh, and pulling out the red pen and going through three pages of my current draft. (I admit it, I've been slacking on that one). In fact, I'm going to do that right now over my tea.

    Countdown to santa, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I had a success the other day, similar to yours, MM. We were eating at a favorite restaurant that has cupcakes that are all kinds of awesome. They had their holiday cupcake - peppermint chocolate. I wasn't hungry after finishing my very healthy salad, but Charlie wanted to order a cupcake and wanted me to split it with him. After a few bites he decided he wanted his own, so I just said to take that one. I did not order one for myself. I said I would have to tell my fitness pebbs, but I forgot!

    However, I'm losing the fight against the fudge. I'm cutting it up today and putting it in to go containers for other people. There's just something about peanut butter and chocolate. I'm sure I'll crave hot chocolate once it gets cold again (Friday) - 84 today - not kidding.

    Today: run errands, deliver gifts, homework, walk, and some yoga. I slept late today because I was coughing this morning. Yes, I'm still coughing, but it's a different cough - just in the morning - I blame the cat that sleeps next to my head.

    Mary vs. Fudge, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Way to go on resisting the cupcake Mary. I don't get cake/cupcakes often so when I do I definitely want to eat them. That fudge sounds pretty good too. I love peanut butter and chocolate together.

    I finished all 103 cookies. It took about 4 hours. The icing kept getting hard (as it's suppose to do) and didn't want to spread the longer it was out, so I had to work with it a lot. I got a major sugar rush. I literally felt light headed from all the sugar. I only ate a small one. It was good but I'm still not craving them. lol. Good thing I have some veggies in the crock pot for dinner. That's all I want right now. That and a nap.
    Still on the to-do list: glue some decorations on the cookie bowls, wrap a couple more presents, and put all the cookies away in containers, or give them to neighbors.
    I think tomorrow will be an easier day. I'm glad for it. Maybe I can even get a walk in!

  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Hello boogaloo peeps.
    I woke with my alarm at 7:19 this morning and bounced out of bed! I decided that - indeed there was too much to do and yes, it would be impossible to get everything done perfectly so...I my plan was just to do the next thing. right. just the next and the next and not plan too far in advance. I managed to get myself showered and dressed and morning pages written by 9:00. I even had my boots on - ready to go. I've had a mental block about learning my scores so I decided to take it all out of context and move to a table at the Robards library at UofT. It was a brilliant idea...I did a good stretch of uninterrpted study and felt quite calm at the end of it. Like...I could really do it and wow, isn't it facinating to read and discover orchestral scores oh my. :P I walked a bit then to chinatown to have a look around and lunch. Very nice vietnamese pho..yum and strawberry smoothy. ya! then walked somemore. Went looking for jasmine tea - this one place let me smell the $38 smelled good, but too rich for me. I then came home and did a little computer work. Had a nap, now feel it was a major victory. Still lots to do, still not perfect, but doing the hardest thing first (the music) totally propelled me to where I am now. Yay for cosmic alignments that bring us to ourselves. sigh...

    let's see if we can do similarly tomorrow.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sounds like you had a good day SM! :happy:

    My day got busier. Steve wants to get fingerprinting for the FBI done again. That's right. The one that took ten cards and multiple shipping to get mine to go through. We are going to the main Fort Worth police dept. where they passed last time. It's a 13 week process and if we accept the referral in February then we need to get them done now for court. I wonder if walking and my fingers swelling up from blood circulation will help? It will be about 45 minutes after walking before my prints will be taken so maybe that won't help. Worth a shot I guess! So the plan is to do that this afternoon. Walk and then go get prints done.
    This morning is packed full too. Taking cookies to a friend, cleaning up the house and start packing. Oh and prepare the cookie bowls for family and and a friend. I may do that in the morning. Sorry, thinking on "paper".
    We are all feeling better though the lingering effects are still there. I'm so thankful for my health. God knew I would need energy this week to complete everything I had lined up to do. :smile:
    Oh and last night we delivered cookies to neighbors we haven't met before. That was intimidating and so out of my comfort zone! But it wasn't that bad. Kind of awkward but that's okay. I felt like I was suppose to do that four years ago when we moved here. So it's good to have it done. :smile: Yep, lived in this house four years and I don't even know my neighbors.

    Anti-social boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Just went to my dance class, only to discover that it's cancelled until January. Dang it. I missed the announcement, since I was giving an exam last week.

    So, now I'm looking for a plan B. I think I might pop in a weights DVD. Yesterday I did not make it to yoga (but managed a record-breaking 14,000 steps finishing the Christmas shopping (not a single bus was utilized yesterday...pretty cool). I think it might not be a bad idea to give my left ankle a day off. (it's been hurting for no apparent reason) There is Zumba tomorrow, so that's good.

    I managed to edit my entire paper yesterday, and now I think I'm just going to let it all sit until the new year. My goals (finish/send off a proposal draft and finish new draft of this paper) for December have been met. Now I need to make January goals. There's lots, and it's hard to not be overwhelmed. One month at a time helps.

    Sounds like everybody is being pretty productive. Now that the shopping's done, I'm on break. Figuring out how to best enjoy it.

    Enjoy it, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Got the fudge put away after I had a few pieces. Did manage to resist dessert yesterday after dinner, so minor success. I think the cupcake would have been more enjoyable than the fudge. Oh well.

    Today: teach two yoga classes and take Charlie to the airport. He's going to Dallas early to do some paperwork. I need to get a walk in this afternoon. I going to plan to take a yoga class tomorrow morning, so I get one full session in this week. I also need to play the hotel game. This is where I spend hours looking for the best hotel rate. Pretty good deals this weekend.

    I ordered new gorilla shoes and a new yoga mat. The mat should look like a Twister Game board. I can't believe no one has designed something like this yet. Maybe Gaiam will steal my idea.

    3 days left, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning!

    I am beginning to believe that V's idea of just moving is a good way to lose weight. Not that getting good exercise in, doesn't matter. It does matter. I want to be thin but also toned. I don't know what I'm doing because I really haven't been paying attention but whatever it is, it's working! I guess I am just eating less. I just haven't been hungry and I've been too busy to snack around a lot. I sure hope I can keep this up. I stepped on the scale yesterday and saw 154. Yay! So I stepped on it again today to see if it's sticking and saw 152! It's nice to see it going down but I am guessing it's short term. Not just because of Christmas but I imagine it will go back up again when I start working out. But I will bask in the glory of this moment while it lasts. :happy: A lady at church told me I am slimming down and last night Steve said he could tell a difference as well. Maybe our bodies just need more food/fat during certain times of the year or we retain more water etc. I tend to lose weight in the winter. I guess I spend all summer/fall storing up for winter. :laugh:
    Busy morning here. Alex's OT is coming for a quick visit at 9. I also have to pack and finish a load of laundry, and make sure the house is clean. We will be leaving after lunch for San Antonio. I'm excited! Love spending time with my family! I hope I don't miss a day checking in. I'm almost up to 190 days logging in. :tongue:

    Almost time boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Confession time....yesterday I cleaned my house instead of worked out. Then, I ate an entire frozen pizza for dinner. Blergh. goal fail. I do this stupid thing where I pout when I can't do my day exactly as I planned. I may have an issue. I really need to get into the habit of making a plan B that is easy to access. It's not like I don't have options, (two gyms, a collection of workout DVDs, a clear, dry day yesterday) I just have a mental block on my options. I am weird sometimes.

    Today, rebooting, it's Zumba at ten, some more housecleaning (dinner guest this eve.) and cooking/shopping for dinner. Other than that, I have a few things to sort of wrap (we can't get too crazy with the wrapping, as they might get opened crossing the border):grumble: and that's probably enough for the day.

    weird mental block, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Me too, V. I really need to work on letting things go, when they don't go my way. I feel like a 5 year old sometimes.

    I slept in today, so no yoga. I will walk this morning and maybe to some sun salutations at home. I need to go to the store to get some milk, luckily, there is a small store close by that sells the brand I use (so no supermarket on a crazy busy day). I need to get packed for tomorrow, though it's only a two day trip. I'm doing 4 hours of gift wrapping today - which should be a lot of fun since it's a busy shopping day. The get together with friends has been pushed to January, so I have time for those that insist on buying stuff.

    Oh, and homework, booogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve, y'all.

    I'm teaching this morning, then I'll either walk for 30 minutes or go to the second half of the hard yoga class. I feel a little awkward coming in half way through (even though the teacher told me to come anyway). My sister ended up at the hospital last night because of a kidney infection, so if she's still there, I'll stop by the hospital on my way out of town.

    Happy Christmas to all of you, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Today is most likely a yoga session after the sun goes down (so...four pm?) Other than that, a quick trip to the drugstore for a last little bit of wrapping paper, then home (didn't get to this yesterday).

    Also, I'm taking a break from food logging until new year's. Need to just listen and eat (also, since I'll be served lots of food I have no control over, it would all be an estimate). I'll continue to wear armband thingee after I get back from Christmas (won't wear it on the road).

    I got my netflix streaming working, so hooray (as it turns out, my husband had changed a password without me knowing. oops.) I'll settle in with mac and cheese this eve, and go sing in church tomorrow morning. Then, it's off to visit family, so maybe no checking in (maybe checking in).

    Hope you all have a lovely holiday.

    God bless us, everyone, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve!

    My morning isn't starting off that great but I'm sure it will get better. Didn't get much sleep last night and my sinuses have gotten worse since I got down here. :( I also started making the pies this morning and the crusts are now burnt. :( My mom had to go get more for me. I hope this day does get better.
    We are meeting a friend for lunch that I haven't seen in at least 10 years. Then we are going to the 3 oclock Christmas Eve service at church where my mom and step dad both play violin. After that we will have dinner and open presents. :) I haven't been able to eat very much due to sinus drainage so I can tell I am still losing weight. I don't like not feeling well but I sure like feeling my waist shrink again.
    Oh and Steve was approved to get this whole next week off from work. We have a little extra money becaue he gts an extra check this month so we are thinking about heading out from here and going to California. :) We will just go to the San Diego area probably. We haven't decided yet. I have never been so it would be fun to go. Steve loves it there.
    I'd better go get busy.
    Have a blessed day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post from my phone. Did you ladies have a good Christmas? Ours has been pretty good. We ate not going to California but steve did take the week off. We are going to work on cars. Yippee. :) right now we are at a clinic because he has a really bad sinus infection. We will return home tomorrow. The cedar down here is horrible.
    My appetite has come back so I'm struggling a bit but I'm trying.
    It's lonely in here boogaloo!
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