I didn't loose any wight this week, How discouraging



  • stefaniella
    I've had a couple of weeks where I didn't lose any weight.... but then I've had other weeks that made up for it. Now, the weight is coming off pretty fast with a decrease in daily calories and increase in exercise.

    Don't be discouraged, keep on keeping on! It gets better. ;-)
  • wellnessjunkie
    It's certainly not a sustainable diet if you find yourself starving and still not losing weight. Aim to fuel your body with whole grains, hi quality protein, lots of fruit and veggies. Also be patient with your body as it is adjusting to a new diet.
  • stefaniella
    Protein shake for breakfast AND lunch......... Why????

    God I would be starving too!!!!

    Why don't you just eat a normal breakfast like.... Oats/eggs/high fibre cereal etc....

    A normal lunch... Wraps, Salads, Soups etc

    You should aim to eat proper food with your calories, Or get more for your calories. Ie, Lots of veggies & fruit with your meals. Will feel you up more.

    Protein keeps you fuller for longer : )

    I only drink a protein shake for breakfast and I feel great! I typically have a lean cuisine or smart ones for lunch and then a sensible dinner at home.
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    How not to feel discouraged:

    1. Take your measurements, and only take them once a week, biweekly, or even once a month.
    2. Take progress pictures. Often you don't realize how much your body is changing because you see yourself every day. The pictures show what you don't see.
    3. Weigh everything you put into your mouth so you are logging your food accurately. This will keep you from underestimating.
    4. Get a HRM if you can. This keeps you from overestimating your calories burned during exercise.
    5. MOST IMPORTANTLY: DON'T DEPEND ON THE SCALE! Stop weighing yourself all the time! If you easily get discouraged, you will want to give up which won't help either. Throw the scale away! If you feel you absolutely just HAVE to weigh yourself, only weigh once a week. Same day, same time every week to get accurate information.

    To me, it looks like you are doing great already! 6 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome! MFP is a great place with valuable tools and helpful people. There is a lot of support here. People will be honest with you, too. Good luck on your journey!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I don't see a lot of whole foods in your diary. You may be deficient in potassium which will cause water retentiona, and therefore, mask weight loss.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    Tons of sodium, tons of fast food, large amounts of ice cream or other treats, not logging accurately every day.

    Start making foods at home and weigh everything. After a few weeks if you haven't lost anything come back.

  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    It's one week. Relax.