SAHM 12/20 to 12/26



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    benbidder, you are welcome to join in. we have kids ranging from newborn to h.s. in this thread. some wahm's, mostly sahm's, some homeschoolers, some not, some runners, some walkers, etc.
    this is a great group

    katie and melissa--holding steady and making those changes count a lot!
    i can't say the same for me. 2010 was not my best year in a lot of respects. :( not a pity party, just not as pleased with how it all went. definitely one of those learning curve years.
    i am pushing thru with the exercise--thanks for noticing melissa!

    and christi--congrats on the loss! lmk how you like the slim in 6--i've considered that for awhile now. i'm not up for doing p90x at the moment. and even zumba is a bit too much of a challenge. anyway, keep plugging away at it and the kids WILL get used to mommy having exercise time.

    happy birthday to the kiddos! and if i don't post up again till sunday---have a merry xmas, y'all! i hope you enjoy the special time with your loved ones. :flowerforyou:
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Must be doing better than I thought or this baby weight is just starting to fall off a little faster now because the scale has been down another 2lbs for the last 2 days but I will wait until Monday to log my weight incase today & tomorrow bring it back up, haha!
    Got my baking done for this holiday season, yippie!! My mom & dad got in yesterday so she helped me finally finish wrapping presents today. We even made our Santa cookies this afternoon and the boys picked out the special ones that will go on the Santa plate for tonight. So we are technically all ready for tomorrow, presents will go under the tree after the boys are in bed tonight, don't want to fight them to keep them away.
    I just got the Slim in 6 dvds in the mail yesterday so I haven't done them yet, I plan to start probably the first or second week in Jan when DH leaves for 3 weeks for training & I may not be able to make it to the gym.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone, hope you have a great one!!
  • rlz1972
    Hello, fellow SAHMs! :)

    Hope you don't mind another joiner...I'm a single mom of four, still staying at home with my youngest (20 months old) but hoping to someday be a WAHM...probably need to go back to college first...anyway--I just weighed in this morning and I have lost TWO POUNDS since starting MFP a week ago! :bigsmile: I've changed my diet somewhat, but I'm still eating the things I love (like peppermint ice cream with chocolate sauce last night)--just not as large a portion. I've also done more housework (i.e., exercise) than I normally do, in preparation for Christmas and my parents coming over (and because it just needs to be done! ). I'm fighting a cold today, but I'm excited about the progress I've made so far and looking forward to the new (hopefully healthier) year!

    And no, I'm not counting calories today. :bigsmile:

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    benbidder & rlz1972~ Welcome! This is a great group of ladies to chat with.

    Nicole~I know what you mean on the sewing projects. I didn't get mine done either some I didn't even get started. I was a total slacker. :laugh:

    Christi~Way to go! Oh and take it from me, who has a bizillion kids :wink: , yes it does get better with them allowing you to exercise. Mine even will get down and exercise with me. Talk about cute!

    rlz1972~Way to go on the 2 pound loss!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Got to go very tired we stayed up until 3:30 am getting all the Christmas goodies put together for friends/neighbors and also wrapping presents. Note to self don't leave wrapping until the last minute do it all ahead of time. :laugh: