Going on holiday...

I'm going away for a few days tomorrow. We're going to a nice hotel which means I'll be eating out at every meal. I'm willing to accept I may gain a pound or two, because I don't want to miss out on anything BUT I'd like to not undo everything I've done. So, what advice have you got for me? What do you do when eating out/on holiday etc.



  • jtitle911
    I usually eat what I always eat. I don't go crazy on the bread basket and I order something trackable. Generally menu items with a protein will give you a weight for the protein, and you can judge how much of the sides would equal one serving.

    The only time I binged on a vacation was eating half a pizza after me and my friends ran a half marathon.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The odds are you will gain water weight due to high sodium content in restaurant foods. Don't freak, just increase you water, potassium and magnesium and the weight will past in a few days. Have Fun!
  • christinalong1991
    YAY! VACATION! Just make the best choices you can when you eat out while still enjoying it. Look up menus beforehand so you already know nutrition info and what you'll be getting, and prelog, maybe do a little body weight workout in your room (or gym if they have it) in the morning to help offset it. Last year we went away for a few days and my trick was to skip breakfast so I was only eating 2 meals out instead of 3, and just got some bananas to eat in the morning.

    Don''t be discouraged if the scale shows significantly more than a lb or two weight gain as its mostly water due to all the sodium, I usually won't weigh myself for a few days so I don't even see how bad it got! lol
    Have fun!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    I just make the best choices that I could while on vacation. I did try to do some form of exercise each day - sightseeing, walking on the treadmill @ the hotel gym, hiking, etc. Have a good time! :)
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks all. I didn't even consider the sodium levels in restaurant food. Thanks for pointing that out! I'm really excited and feeling quite motivated to make good decisions and not go overboard buuuut it's holiday and when I'm sat at a restaurant I don't know that I'll choose a salad over a big juicy burger ;)