is currently actually higher than my goal weight. Hrm. And my goal weight is not super low for my height, 155 for 5'9". According to my body composition test I had done today, my BF% is 45.4% and my LBM is 169.3. Interesting. I take the numbers with a grain of salt, as I know they are not iron-clad accurate, but still an interesting thing. This means I will actually have to lose some of that lean mass (somewhat inevitable anyway as I understand it) to hit my goal weight.

Food for thought, heh.


  • JasonPC2
    JasonPC2 Posts: 19 Member
    Weight loss isn't all pure fat, you do lose some LBM along the way. Recheck as you get closer to your goal.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,511 Member
    Weight loss isn't all pure fat, you do lose some LBM along the way. Recheck as you get closer to your goal.

    Oh, I know. I am sure that of the 67.5lbs I have lost, some of it has been lean body mass. I am just an oddball, it struck me as amusing that my current LBM is higher than my goal weight.

  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Annnnnd this is why people shouldn't have "goal weights". Why would you sacrifice LBM just so the scale can spit out a number at you?
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,511 Member
    My LBM is almost 170 lbs, because I am over 300lbs. It is practically inevitable that I will lose some of that LBM anyway even as I lose the remain 150 or so pounds I still need to lose, even though I am eating a fair bit of protein and starting to get more active, including body weight circuit training.

    Even if I did manage to, by some miracle, retain all my LBM, I'd be over 225lbs if I could even get to 25% bodyfat. I don't want to be 225lbs (though it's a heck of alot better than where I am now).

    Why should I carry an extra 50+ lbs just so I can have a super high LBM for my height?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You wouldn't. As you lose weight, everything goes down-- lean, fat, water, blood volume, organ size even-- and that's good.