Got any tips about gym schedule?

GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been watching calories but doing NO exercise since I started. I know this is not the recommended way to go or the smarest idea, but I was so out of shape (i.e. fat) that I was sore all the time. After an hour on my feet, my knees, feet, hips, and back hurt, so I felt like losing some weight first would make beginning an exercise program easier. So far so good, I haven't intentionally exercised at all, just grocery shopping, household chores (like cooking and cleaning), and the like. I've lost 40 lbs since the Monday before Halloween and I'm not sore all time anymore. In fact, this weekend I did all our Christmas shopping (kids, wife, friends, family, dogs, etc.) while my wife was at work. It took me about 6 hours (store to store, in and out, etc) and I wasn't sore at all. so I think it's working.

That being said, the company I work for was bought by a huge corportation and we are moving into their facility. They have a gym onsite that is open 6:00 am to 8:00 pm with towel service, lockers, trainers, etc for only $7.50 per pay period (2 wks). The move happens in 3 weeks and I'm no longer nervous and anxious about starting to workout. I'm looking forward to it, but it will mean a big change to my daily schedule. I already get up an 6:00 am and get home at 6:00 pm, b/c of a long commute. I cannot decide whether to stay late or go in early. I understand early is best for losing weight, but I'm a nightowl and already have trouble getting over 5.5 or 6 hours of sleep. I could go after work, but I think I'd miss that time with my family too much, so I'm leaning toward the morning routine.

Okay, enough back-story and rambling (sorry), my actual questions are...

How many of you work out before work?
How many do so after work?
What do think are the biggest advantages/disadvantages of each?


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I work out after work and I don't think any time of the day is better then the other for working out at long as you do it. What I like about working out after work is that I get to go home afterwards take my shower and put on my pjs. I don't have to worry about getting all dressed up to go into work and rushing to get ready. I also think it helps to relieve the stress from the day and helps me relax at night.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I workout after work because I like to sleep in until the last possible minute! but you should workout whenever it works for you. Just watching calories isn't bad either, some studies show that people who lose weight without exercise do a little better because we tend to over-estimate how much we earned and think, well, I worked out so can I eat (insert treat here). Also, it's interesting that we have a limited amount of self-control so I can eat well or workout but not both! :laugh:
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    I go to the gym or run during my lunch hour. It seems to work fine...I already get up early to walk my dogs and the thought of hanging around later after work...
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    For me it depends on my day. I used to think if I didn't exercise in the morning that I wouldn't - but now I do go to the club at 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The advantages of working out in the morning are:

    if your day gets hectic you have all ready done your work out and you won't be tempted to skip it (or totally unable to go)
    you only have to shower once unless you like to shower before you work out - I still find that something that stops me from going in the afternoon.
    Some people say that it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day. However any time you exercise will boost your metabolism overall.
    Easier to estimate your calories for the day if you can input your calories burned in the morning

    Benefits of later in day
    I am way more flexible - if I do the yoga class in the morning I am stiff but late in day I can get into poses and hold them much better. It also helps on elliptical machine. My legs get really stiff if I do that too much but it helps later in the day. Muscles are warm from daily activities vs sleeping.
    Good way to destress from work
    Feels good to go home shower, eat dinner and relax knowing you just worked out

    Either way you can't lose! You are doing something good for your health. It sounds like you have a great set up and a great price!
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I work out after work only because I am too lazy to get up any earlier than my normal 4:45. Oh, and the gym doesn't open till 5:00 - too late for my work schedule.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I workout whenever the hell I can fit it in. The only rule I make is to have a plan as to when I am going to fit it in the day before (because it determines when I go to bed). I run outside and workout in my living room, precisely because getting to and from the gym is just a motivation/time suck, but if its in your bldg and is affordable, that's cool.

    Morning- pros- out of the way and done before you can avoid it Cons- waking up early and goign to bed ontime the night before
    Evening- pros- good way to wind down, no waking up early Cons- easier to put off/dodge, can kind of take up your evening

    The biggest advice I have is to start slow and have milestones to aim for. Last year I started C25K- and just that. All by itself. No strength, no core, just running/walking 3 times a week. While I have upped it a good bit today- running 3x a week is still my basic, "must do" workout. Any way, the point is, it was a small bit that I could handle and came with a milestone to conquer for each workout. At the beginning of each week have a general idea what you want to get through for the week, and the day before make sure you are ready to go.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I exercise in the evenings, because mornings are very hectic in our house with kids, school, work, etc. Sometimes I go in the evenings and hubby watches the kids, sometimes I go after everyone goes to bed.

    I go to Zumba class on the mornings on Saturday, and I find I have a LOT more energy doing the same Zumba class on Saturday morning than I do on Tuesday evening after working all day, so I guess I can see why mornings would be more beneficial.
  • I like to go in the morning simply because I'm an insomniac by nature and I think if I worked out at night I'd really never sleep. That is so awesome you have the opportunity of a gym at work! Don't get discouraged if you are sore when you first start working out; you should be if you're doing it right. :wink: And the soreness does go away. When I first started going to the gym in November, for the 1st time ever in my life (and I'm 45) I thought I was going to die, but I hung in there and I love it now! Best of luck to you!
  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    I work out after work. I enjoy spending a little more time snuggling in the morning with my husband.

    Working out in the morning is supposed to give you a better calorie burn through the day, but idk if it's that much of a good one to make that big of a difference.
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    I work out in the afternoon/evenings. It's the best fit for my body/mood. If I work out in the AM I am STARVING all day and go over my cals. If I work out in the evening it almost works as an appetite suppressant and, as one person said, if you go right after work you can go home, shower and get in the loungey clothes :tongue:

    However, if my work had a nice, new CHEAP gym on site I would totally consider going at lunch. Then I could get home earlier (long commute as well) and not have any regrets!
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Wow!!! First off, congrats on your great cool! How lucky for you in the company switch too! Does that fee include the use of the personal trainers?

    I work out after work mainly because I am not a morning person AND I have a tendency to much a lot in the evenings...if I'm working out I can't munch so that seems to work pretty good.

    With your commute I would suggest trying for some sort of lunch hour workout, you can always eat at your desk. Also, it seems your new company is pretty health-minded...will they let you include some of your workout time as hours worked? My job will match up to 30 minutes (i.e. if I work out for an hour they'll pay me for 30 minutes of it), most people don't know/take advantage of it so it doesn't hurt to ask!
  • I mostly do mornings, but occasional evenings. With 3 kids at home, I need to be around for dinner together, help with homework, bedtime routine,etc as often as possible. Like others have said, whatever works for you lifestyle and helps you actually do it (and not easily skip) is the right answer for you. I will say though that I used to really drag in the morning, but starting the day with a good workout really gets ya going on a high note and carries through the day. I think the brain is also stimulated and gives you clearer thinking.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I go in the evenings because then my husband can join me. I pick him up at the bus stop on my way home from work, we stop at the gym together for an hour or so, head home, he walks the dog while I make dinner and shower. When I am tidying up the kitchen, he takes a shower. It works for us. I have tried fitting in morning workouts but I fall off the wagon within a few weeks. Something about getting up that early is just not appealing to me!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I workout in the early mornings while my family sleeps. My work schedule can get demanding, clients come at the last second with a deadline that can't be missed. It's too easy for me to get wrapped up in what needs to get done at work and then miss my workout. Also, my husband is not an early-morning person, so he works out in the evenings. Our two year old has horrible separation anxiety and we haven't been able to use the day care at the gym--they call us 20 minutes after we drop him off and say come get him. (Also, after being gone all day, I feel guilty leaving him again in the evenings). I stretch and do yoga at home at night, along with my toddler. As others have said, it is easier just to take one shower, etc. I think it's just a personal preference. You find the schedule that works for you and for your family. It takes some figuring out.
  • I workout first thing in the morning. I even changed my work schedule to accommodate that. I chose the morning for several reasons...
    1. My kids are still sleeping so I don't feel like I'm neglecting or missing out on anything. Plus after being at work all day I don't miss out on them in the evenings.
    2. It feels great to get up and get moving
    3. I have TONS more energy in the day now
    4. I sleep so much better when I work out in the morning
    5. If my gym was at work, I'm afraid that staying after would feel too much like staying late at work and I would be WAY too tempted to just get home.
    6. I like know how much I can eat for the dayl
    7. It's one less thing I have to do before I can go home.
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    Wow!!! First off, congrats on your great cool! How lucky for you in the company switch too! Does that fee include the use of the personal trainers?

    I work out after work mainly because I am not a morning person AND I have a tendency to much a lot in the evenings...if I'm working out I can't munch so that seems to work pretty good.

    With your commute I would suggest trying for some sort of lunch hour workout, you can always eat at your desk. Also, it seems your new company is pretty health-minded...will they let you include some of your workout time as hours worked? My job will match up to 30 minutes (i.e. if I work out for an hour they'll pay me for 30 minutes of it), most people don't know/take advantage of it so it doesn't hurt to ask!

    I wish the fee included time with the trainers and that work would "match" or forgive gym time, but they won't. Plus, during lunch would be my last choice. I would feel waay too rushed and if there was a line at the treadmill or whatever, I'd be screwed. My boss comes in later than me, so if I'm a lil late he won't know, but at lunch he'd notice I took too long.
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning. I even changed my work schedule to accommodate that. I chose the morning for several reasons...
    1. My kids are still sleeping so I don't feel like I'm neglecting or missing out on anything. Plus after being at work all day I don't miss out on them in the evenings.
    2. It feels great to get up and get moving
    3. I have TONS more energy in the day now
    4. I sleep so much better when I work out in the morning
    5. If my gym was at work, I'm afraid that staying after would feel too much like staying late at work and I would be WAY too tempted to just get home.
    6. I like know how much I can eat for the dayl
    7. It's one less thing I have to do before I can go home.

    OMG, you hit almost every one of my buttons here...especially #5!

    I joined a gym and had some brief success a few years ago. It started with the whole family going (free daycare onsite for the youngest and the oldest had a membership too). Then my wife didn't like the days of the week I liked (Mon, Wed, Fri, she wanted Tues, Thurs, Sat), so she went on opposite days. I started going in the morning since she wasn't gonna be there anyway and it was great. I lost 30, but then we moved too far away and i quit. I'm past where I got then and I haven't hit the gym yet!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I work out after work... mainly because i chose a gym thats on my way home so i would have no excuses to go plus all the classes are when i finish work so thats a bonus. I dont have kids though and when i come home its just food, shower, bed in that order lol x
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