recent weight gain

Hi all! After having a cold, I gained about 6 pounds over a few days. At first, I thought water retention. However, it has been about a week and the scale won't budge. I have even changed my diet and reduced salt intake. Does anyone have any advice to get me back to my standard weight and progress? Thx!


  • hellomiaow
    hellomiaow Posts: 15 Member
    All you can do is carry on restricting calories - I know how demoralising it can feel when you've gone up not down! Don't be disheartened, though - you need to be nice to yourself after a cold. Weight doesn't go down smoothly but there are lots of ups and downs on the way. I'd be surprised if you've actually gone up by 6 pounds - maybe time of the month etc affected it. No worries, just persevere! :)