Xbox Fitness


I've never posted anything on here before, so forgive me!

Has anybody been using Xbox Fitness to lose weight? I've been trying it every now and then over the last week or so and I do wake up the next day feeling like my whole body has had a workout rather than my usual routine. Has anyone had any success with it? I don't know anyone else who is using it!

Thanks :)


  • carmenrosab
    carmenrosab Posts: 44 Member
    Hey @deeallen1991‌ are you still using the Xbox Fitness? I've been using the Mossa Fight workouts and I find that they not only help with the cardio aspect but I can see body starting to tone up pretty quickly. They are hard workouts but totally worth the effort and I am getting better and better at them.
  • shortlilmeg
    shortlilmeg Posts: 11 Member
    i really wanted to love it... but with the kinect, it is so finnicky, do you know if there is a way to work around with out having to use the kinect?
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    I love Xbox One's Kinect far superior to the 360 one(which is now dusty). I have done the Mossa as well and it really works ya hard! My wife and I both enjoy the Zumba, this is coming from a guy that is not even the slightest bit into dancing. Only issue with the Zumba is a lot of the moves feel....not so masculine, lol. If your looking for Xbox friends fell free to add me on either 360 or One, just send me a msg saying "MFP" otherwise I may ignore it. My Gamertag is Daedric Angel.